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Thread: 8" jointer with spiral cutterhead for $1000.00?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Rockville, MD

    8" jointer with spiral cutterhead for $1000.00?

    Believe it or not the only reason I haven't ordered a DJ-20 from is that LOML's appliances and kitchen cabinets are stored in the garage chock-a-block and the jointer would have to go through them to get to my basement work shop. The workshop isn't completely finished yet in this whole house renovation but I'd work around it somehow. But AIN'T NO WAY I'm going to touch her appliances or cabinets. That's the contractors job, which hopelfully he is getting to this week. But came to find out this weekend that is now selling the Sunhill 8" jointer with spiral cutterhead for $1074.00. Everytime I've heard the Sunhill mentioned it's been very positive. It's from a Tiwanese factory not the mainland. I'm not that familiar with spiral and helical cutterheads, having only experience with my prior 6" Jet jointer. But every review I've seen, except one, seems to tout their use. Anyone have a Sunhill or experience with spiral/helical cutterheads?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I think you would be pretty close to 1300 with shipping....have you looked at the 8" jointers from grizzly yet?

  3. #3
    There are two types of the so called sprial head. One has the blades angled on the head so that it is suppose to give a shearing action. The second one is a Shelix head that has a whole bunch of small cutters arranged in a spiral pattern around the head. #1 is probally what they are talking about because #2 cost around $495 just for the head. Sorry, but I have no info on Sunhill. I have the Griz. 8 inch and am really happy with it.

    Mission Furniture- My mission is to build more furniture !

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Southern MD
    Sunhill sells a kit to convert any Geetech 8" to the spiral head for $229. I bought the Byrd helical kit from them for $430 delivered and put it on my Grizzly. My jointer came apart and went together quickly and easily. It took me 20 minutes to change the cuttheread out.
    The $999 seems like a reasonable price. Depending on shipping, you could potentially save a good amount of money buying the Grizzly 1018 (at $595) and converting it using a sunhill kit. You do lose the 3" table extensions though.

    Jay St. Peter

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    St. Louis

    I'm with Tim on this one. The Sunhill is going to run you over $1300 with shipping. The Grizzly G0543 would be close at $1375. I think it's worth checking out.

    Grizzly has some other great choices in the jointer arena if you're not locked on the spiral cutterhead. Same unit as above with 4 knife head is $950 incl S&H. A 6" spiral head for $1025.

    If the buget allows go for an 8". Like you I have a 6" Jet; a very nice machine, until you have an 8" board.

    Anyway do a little comparison. IMHO I'd take the Grizzly over the Sunhill. I'll be curious to see what other opinion pop up on this issue.

    Happy shopping!
    Ken Waag

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Seattle, WA
    The word is that grizzly is going to be selling a spiral head on their new G0586 8" planer this fall for about $850-950.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    New Hampshire
    I sent you an email.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Rockville, MD

    Shipping brings cost to $1200.00+

    You're right guys, the shipping brings the cost up to around $1200.00. I thought the shipping would be like the DJ-20...ZIP. Nope. That changes the whole picture. And wouldn't you know it, one of my former students is on SMC. Kyle you're absolutely right, it's me. Wow, small world. I'll PM you back. Looks like with present finances, I'll get the DJ-20 from Sunhill makes conversion kits for the DJ if I ever feel the need. At least now I'll know a little bit more about the different style cutterheads, thanks for the info.

  9. #9

    Spiral cutterhead is good

    I can't do a relative comparison between Sun Hill and Grizzly. I've had 2 Grizzly tools and have been more than satisfied with them and their custmer service. I've never owned a sunhill, but I have assumed they are approximately the same caliber. That said when I was at the Pomona Woodworking show the SunHill rep let me joint a block of what I thought was soft maple through his 6" jointer equipped with the spiral cutterhead. That's the one with 100 or more small cutters. When I was finished he told me I took a 1/16th" cut! Iwas amazed, it felt like the same resistance I get when I make a 1/32" cut and the surface was very smooth. I'm sold, I just have to convince the chancellor of the exchequer.

    John Zimmerman

  10. #10
    I bought the newest Powermatic 8" jointer for $1468 out the door 3 weeks ago. It has a regular cutter head, but going for a 42" bed 6" jet jointer, it`s like driving Rolls after having a Studebaker. And that 82" bed looks like a landing strip

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