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Thread: Mentor & Student wager

  1. #1

    Mentor & Student wager

    This year at the Dayton Show, Artistry In Wood, they are having a 50/50 silent auction and the piece has to be made from a nut wood. Wayne Barton and I have a $1 wager as to who's piece will bring in the most money. This should be interesting.

    I chip carved a wall plaque for the auction made from butternut and walnut. I stained the butternut panel and chip carved thru it then bleached the cuts to make a nice contrasting color. The frame pieces I made from walnut which I bleached before assembly then chip carved thru that to get the contrasting color. The piece is approx. 12" x 16".

    "Always Chipping Away"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Craigville,In close to Fort Wayne
    Blog Entries
    Roger It is always a pleasure, to see your creative examples of art.Let us know who wins the waiger.I won't make it to Dayton this year.Great work.Well thought out design.Your freind Norm Ploetz

  3. #3
    Wager complete and I got my hind end kicked big time. Wayne's piece went for $150 and I only received $40. I will have too say this if it wouldn't have been for his cousin Scott Phillips, the PBS woodworker, I would have been much closer. We had a good time with this and we are going to do it again next year.
    "Always Chipping Away"

  4. #4
    $40.00? Really? And you want to do this again?
    I thought I got burned the one and only time I ever did something similar to this. That was over 20 yrs ago. I'm curious though as to what the other piece looked like for $150.00.
    The Woodworking Studio

  5. #5
    Mark, the piece that Wayne Barton made was a 16" sq. advent wreath. I was unable to get pictures of it but I will have to say it was better than mine but not that much better. As for doing it again sure but keep in mind that carving is not my only sourse of income so most of the time I look at it as perfecting my skill and not as a job.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Yundt View Post
    $40.00? Really? And you want to do this again?
    I thought I got burned the one and only time I ever did something similar to this. That was over 20 yrs ago. I'm curious though as to what the other piece looked like for $150.00.
    "Always Chipping Away"

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