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Thread: My Uvex Bionic faceshield saved me a trip to the emergency room today!

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Spokane, Washington
    Glad it wasn't more serious! I wear mine pretty much all the time I'm cutting, just feel more comfortable that way. Glad to hear the shield held up to a pretty good impact, wasn't sure how well it would withstand that, gives me a little more confidence in it. A sharp edge on a piece like that could do some major damage, let alone the thump factor.

    Eternity is an awfully long time, especially toward the end.

    -Woody Allen-

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  2. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Chesterfield, VA
    Glad you're alright, and thanks for the reminder. Don't have the bionic, but I'm thinking I better get one. Guess I could wear the old cheapo thing I have until then.

  3. Dan,

    The piece of wood probably weighed about 2.5 lbs maybe a little over 3 lbs. The frame around my chin took some of the blow as well as did the clear shield knocked me backwards a couple of steps, and the shield took the impact and the piece of oak fell to the floor behind my lathe. It took me a minute or so to get my composure back!
    Remember, in a moments time, everything can change!

    Vision - not just seeing what is, but seeing what can be!

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Minot, ND
    Have gotten pretty good about wearing mine. (Picked up two so there is always one hanging behind the lathe to remind me.) I do tend to take it off once I start sanding and I just haven't convinced myself to wear one while turning pens, though I do wear safety glasses. Lost a chunk of a bowl today that was spinning at around 1200 RPM and it was a sobering reminder of why to wear protection. Any damage to the Uvex? I wonder if the face shield should be retired after taking a solid hit. It might not be necessary, but would probably be the safest thing to do.

    Glad you're okay.


  5. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Louisville, Ky
    I use the Bionics too. I felt bad paying the price I did for it (cheapskate). The first time a branch sealed in a blank popped out at speed and hit square in the middle of the face shield it was worth the price.

  6. #21
    Roger, glad you escaped injury! I am kind of like Scott - if I sense an unstable piece of wood, I use mine, but not always. Your experience is a good lesson - catches happen to all of us.

    Clint, 1200 is pretty fast for a bowl. Anything over 7" and that would be pushing the upper limit for me.

  7. #22
    Roger, I had the same kinda hit last month. It sounded like a gun shot when the chunk hit my faceshield. I use the same shield as you do. I said a few curse words mixed with some verbs, shut my lathe off, grabbed a beer and said "this is why I wear a full faceshield!"...

  8. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Elliott View Post
    Roger, I had the same kinda hit last month. It sounded like a gun shot when the chunk hit my faceshield. I use the same shield as you do. I said a few curse words mixed with some verbs, shut my lathe off, grabbed a beer and said "this is why I wear a full faceshield!"...
    That is scary stuff Peter.........when you think about the potential for damage.........I know that sound you described.....mine was just like it today..........only difference between your reaction and mine.........I gave thanks!

    Glad you were not is when I get in a hurry and take short cuts, at times I have to remind myself to slow down and take all the steps I need to get ready to turn. My biggest problem is I sometimes don't put my Trend Airshield on until after I have already started sanding, and then I have to stop and go put it on....I only have one set of lungs.........I want them to last me until I don't need them any longer!
    Remember, in a moments time, everything can change!

    Vision - not just seeing what is, but seeing what can be!

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    North central Pa Tioga Co.
    Roger can you wear glasses under that face shield? My face shield fogs on me sometimes.
    Glad you are ok!

  10. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Chandler View Post
    That is scary stuff Peter.........when you think about the potential for damage.........I know that sound you described.....mine was just like it today..........only difference between your reaction and mine.........I gave thanks!
    Oh, I gave THANKS! After I gathered myself, blinked a few times and said "thank you ..."

    Last year I had a bowl come off the chuck and hit me in the shoulder. Nice 8" Maple... felt like my old football days with no pads. I think I stayed away from the lathe for a week.

    As they say, "it's the little things in life that are the big reminders"

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Wilmington, NC
    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Robinette View Post
    I wear my Uvex all the time. It's actually very comfortable after you get use to it. I have a filter system and fan on mine because of my lung trouble but I think I would wear it anyway just for protection.
    Glad you're OK Roger. I always wear my face shield and fortunately it hasn't been tested. Harry, what fan and filter system are you using with the Uvex?
    Wilmington, NC

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    sLower Delaware
    Glad you are fine and thanks for the reminder to not get careless!

  13. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by George Morris View Post
    Roger can you wear glasses under that face shield? My face shield fogs on me sometimes.
    Glad you are ok!
    Yes George.........I wear glasses [bi-focals] and use my face shield over them whenever I turn.
    Remember, in a moments time, everything can change!

    Vision - not just seeing what is, but seeing what can be!

  14. #29
    Glad to hear youre ok. I loaded a piece of sweetgum the other nite for the first time and stood back when I hit the power switch, then stood there a minute and watched. I did have on a cheapo faceshield but cheapo is better than nothing, right?

  15. #30
    Some protection is indeed better than none! Stay safe David!
    Remember, in a moments time, everything can change!

    Vision - not just seeing what is, but seeing what can be!

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