The class is great. Its 10 Saturdays (8 hrs) all hand tools. We learned sharpening, using chisels and the plane, mortise and tenon and through and 1/2 blind dove tails. I finally learned how to sharpen correctly. We basically spent 12 hours sharpening on an oil stone. I'm lucky I live close by and have wanted to take the class for a while.


Here are a few photos for squaring the pins. The ruler goes against the pin and the sq sits on top of the pins and is pushed against the ruler. You can then check to see if there are any gaps and pare accordingly. To check the shoulder, put the sq back together and place the sq against the face of the board so the ruler goes across the shoulder. Go back and forth to check for square. If you cut a good line with the marking gage you can use that as a reference.

Like I said once the pins are set you match the tails to them and pare the tails to fit. Don't touch the pins again.

Hope this helps.