Quote Originally Posted by Van Huskey View Post
The only reason anyone would consider me the goto for bandsaws is I just never shut up about them!
Heck, if I ever sat down and posted what I really think about bandsaws I would be labled a heretic and excommunicated!

Things like:

90% of what you read about blade tension is bogus
with the right saw, guides are meaningless while resawing
cast iron in bandsaws is overrated and often is there to mask the disease instead of curing it
the 14" Delta and its clones should be allowed to die (see above)
we could benefit from variable speed wood BS nearly as much as metal cutting saws
we waste a LOT of money on bands
and a whole lot more...
Van, I disagree.

All the points you made I'm in agreement with.

Of course I'm also the guy that adjusts for blade drift on a crowned wheel saw by adjusting the tracking.................Rod.