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Thread: A week with Dixie Biggs at John Campbell Folk School

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Blairsville GA

    A week with Dixie Biggs at John Campbell Folk School

    This past week, both Bob Rotche and I had the pleasure of being at the John Campbell Folk School in Brasstown, NC for a class on surface embellishments by Dixie Biggs. If you're not familiar with Dixie's work, all I can say is go look up her website and you'll be an instant fan. She is truly a talented artist and a patient teacher who has genuine fun in doing what she does.

    This has been something both Bob and I have had a desire to explore further, and I barely made it in as the 10th person registered. The room arrangements are typically dorm style, so Bob and I decided to share a room to swap stories with each other and of course, to start by sharing some wood we hoped the other wasn't accustomed to. I think I came out ahead.
    This pic is of Bob holding a cherry burl I gave him and a maple burl he gave me. I also brought some buckeye burl, box elder burl and a chunk of silver maple. My pieces from Bob included a piece of spalted hickory, Japanese cedar, and a real gem...a piece of fresh cut American Chestnut!! I won't go into details except to say Bob obviously knows people!.

    The location was beautiful, the class was fantastic and everything I had hoped. The only turning during the week, was taking the cherry disc and rounding it off for use in defining the 6 styles we went over. By the end of week, we'd explored and developed a few skills to perform some simple embellishments and well detailed relief carving. We all worked our own disc and had freedom to express anything we wanted in each segment of embellishment type.
    Here's the piece I worked on with a dogwood flower, clover and a couple willow oak leaves in relief.

    By the middle of the 3rd day, several in the class had finished much of their disc complete enough and started working on whatever we wanted and whatever we had brought as canvasses for embellishment. Mine was a small cherry hollow form that I added a rope to around the top (harder than I thought), and Bob had started a platter with some Gingko leaves around it...this will be a beautiful piece when completed!
    We took some time out on Thursday to explore the work going on in other studios where classes were going on from book making/restoration, glass bead making, Shaker boxes, blacksmithing and several fiber arts. Bob hung around for a weekend class on blacksmithing...I'm sure he'll have something to add on that! The blacksmithing facility is very well set up.

    All in all, a great week. To those who haven't experienced a week at John Campbell...all I can say is that it will exceed your expectations! I look forward to returning for classes on more than just work on turned items from my experience this past week! The vortex lives and breathes in almost every facet of craft when you talk to students in the range of classes there.
    Last edited by Tim Rinehart; 04-02-2012 at 9:40 AM.
    Laugh at least once daily, even if at yourself!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Lewiston, Idaho

    So much to learn, so little time.....

  3. #3
    Fantastic!!! Tim, Ms. Keeton and I are scheduled for a class this fall (hopefully when fall colors are at peak!) and we are really looking forward to it. I have doing a sculpting class and she is taking a cooking class. I suspect I will get more out of it, as she is already a wonderful cook. However, the experience alone will be worth the cost.

    Looks like you two struck up a great friendship, and had a fruitful experience. Nice work on the platter.

  4. #4
    thanks for sharing yalls gloat, only have heard good thing from that place

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Cary, NC
    I'm glad that you had a great time. JCCFS is summer camp for adults. Not to hi-jack your gloat, but I am taking Mike Staffords box making class in June. Again. I did not learn enough the first time and I hear that Mike has some new jokes.

  6. Wow........Bob & Tim.........what a great opportunity for you both............both of you do nice work at present, but look out world cause this pair have just upped their game! Very nice that you could exchange wood and develop friendships that way.....pretty special I would say............and JK..........look out when he gets back from there.............could we be looking at the next Bin Pho?
    Remember, in a moments time, everything can change!

    Vision - not just seeing what is, but seeing what can be!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Blacksburg, VA
    What a great week! Dixie is one of the most talented wood artists I've come across and she is an excellent teacher and a pleasure to work with. I highly recommend JCCFS to anyone interested in improving their skills or trying something entirely new. It is absolutely camp for adults and a complete escape from the real world. This was my 2nd time there and I am already looking for a week to go back. Tim is a great guy and we had a wonderful time both in class as well as hanging out on the deck, sipping scotch, and solving the worlds problems well into the night. By the end of the week I felt like I was back in college hanging out with my room mates!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Bob, you might be interested in my Phrugal Photo Studio class at the Folk School Aug. 24th~26th, followed by Turning Square 26th~31st. The photo class is all about making great images of arts/craftswork, and of course turnings will have a primo part in the class.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    central illinois
    Glad you had a great time. Sure looks like fun! If I would have hit the lotto the other night I would just move down there and take class after class. LOL

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Bob, my wife and I just got back from the Campbell School. I took a turning course from Phil Colson and my wife took a weaving course. Had a great time and met some wonderful people. We'd go back in an instant and will next year some time.
    Teaching grandchildren the hobby is rewarding. Most of the time

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Pensacola, Fl.
    Nice report! Have been to the Campbell School three times for week long classes and it's not only a retreat for the mind (away from the stock market) but also a great way to jump start and acccelerate one's learning. Dixie Biggs did a demo at my local club and a reception at the Pensacola Museum of Art a few years ago and I'm sure she would be an outstanding instructor.

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