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Thread: Ever hide tools from your wife??

  1. #31
    Join Date
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  2. #32
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle Iwamoto View Post

    I though I was the only one who brings a gouge into the kitchen and leaves it there..... Where did I leave my gouge? Honey?!?!?!? Have you seen my gouge?
    Its not a very serious condition, until she starts finding them in the refrigerator......

  3. #33
    Join Date
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    San Francisco, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by Van Huskey View Post

    I had to go look, I just counted 127 pair in my wife's secondary storage "area". I have been mislead as to what is "normal" and or "average", I think I might revist the discussion about how many bandsaws are "average"...
    LOL! See, now my wife just disposes of them so as to keep her number lower, otherwise I'm sure it would be right up there in the 100 range.

    I think you've made discovery.

  4. #34
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    The corollary to my previous comment, I trust that my wife loves my trust more than shoes!

    (She is not a shoe hoarder. I just wanted to be fair to the tool hoarders with wives who are shoe hoarders.)
    Veni Vidi Vendi Vente! I came, I saw, I bought a large coffee!

  5. #35
    never hide tools from her but always lock them up after use to prevent her using my saws and chisels in the garden after she almost ruined a crosscut saw trying to cut cementicious boards and damaged two chisels digging grass from between the paving
    if mosquitos would only suck fat i'd be as lean as a racing snake

  6. #36
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    My wife could be in another country and if I bought something she would instantly know. I would probably even get a call while I was looking and she would ask me what I was going to make with it FOR HER. :-) As long as it is something she would like I'm golden.


  7. #37
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    No hiding things from mine, though often I seem to hide things from myself. I did upgrade from a 14" to a 20" BS a few years back, and may have forgot to mention that to her. She noticed that on a shop tour..."Hey, did that thingy get bigger, and didn't it used to be yellow?" I told her I painted it which made it look bigger, so she asks why I'm painting tools while she's still waiting for me to paint the kitchen? Yes, it doesn't pay to lie to your spouse, or even to obfuscate in most cases. I have adopted a new "lean manufacturing" approach to the home shop which has largely cured me of my consumptive ways. That and I'm completely out of both space and money. I think they call this rock bottom? Well hey, I sold the third jointer, the second planer, the extra BS, I got the 5 head molder out of the living room.......

  8. #38
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    No worries here. We have separate accounts (with joint access for when the need arises), as well as a joint "bill pay" account. We each deposit a set amount to the bill pay account. Beyond that what we spend from our personal account is what it is. We don't question each others spending.

    Other than that, I don't really need to hide tools anyway, the wife isn't tool savy. She couldn't distinguish a band saw from scroll saw, and I have so many tools in a small shop that she wouldn't notice something new.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Thompson View Post
    I hid a med. brand new shoulder plane and now I cannot find it.
    Ask her: I betcha she knows where it is and is just waiting to see how long it takes you.

  10. #40
    I don't hide... Just delay in notifying

  11. #41
    Join Date
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    My wife buys most of my tools! I ain't going to correct her habits and she knows who to talk to at LV, at LN, Highland Hardware and TFWW. I do have to add I about 60 to 70% handtool use, so I'm not sneaking a Unisaw or something similar sized into our house!
    If the thunder don't get you, the lightning will.

  12. #42
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Quinn View Post
    No hiding things from mine, though often I seem to hide things from myself. I did upgrade from a 14" to a 20" BS a few years back, and may have forgot to mention that to her. She noticed that on a shop tour..."Hey, did that thingy get bigger, and didn't it used to be yellow?" I told her I painted it which made it look bigger, so she asks why I'm painting tools while she's still waiting for me to paint the kitchen? Yes, it doesn't pay to lie to your spouse, or even to obfuscate in most cases. I have adopted a new "lean manufacturing" approach to the home shop which has largely cured me of my consumptive ways. That and I'm completely out of both space and money. I think they call this rock bottom? Well hey, I sold the third jointer, the second planer, the extra BS, I got the 5 head molder out of the living room.......
    this is one of the funniest stories i've heard so far! "lean manufacturing" rofl

  13. #43
    Join Date
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    I have found that once you get to a certian point it is easy to confuse the other half. I have three jointers, four tablesaws, two bandsaws and so forth, so it is now at the point that she can no longer be sure if that tool was there or not.

    First thing you do when you get a new tool is throw sawdust all over it. Then clean the tools all around it and invite your wife out to the shop to see the cleaning you have done. When she asks why that one tool is so dirty, just say, " That old thing is hardly worth the effort." Now it is in her mind that it is old, and just about worthless.

    Of course when you sell a tool, you have to make sure they know about that. " Honey, I sold a saw today, made money on it too I think. You need a little extra cash?" Now you have created an enviroment where tool buying and selling has a pleasant side effect, and she may just insist that you buy and sell more tools. This has not happened to me personally, but one can always hope......

    I prefer not to think of it as an addiction, but rather an occupational hazzard. An addiction implys a character defect where as an occupational hazzard is a sacrifice that must be made to provide for the greater good.


  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carl Beckett View Post
    Its not a very serious condition, until she starts finding them in the refrigerator......
    I would have found them in the fridge...when I went to get my CA glue <g>.

  15. #45
    I can't say that I've ever hidden anything from my wife I've deelayed telling her until just before the delivery truck showed up but being in the cabinet business does not allow me to hide things from my partner. I live in a small rural community and bank in a small bank and the if the VP knows I'm going to a tool show he tellls me to just write a check and they'll cover it. Then my wife becomes very nervous Besides, living in a small town, being on first names basis with the banker, I couldn't buy anything without her finding out anyway. Now the master at hiding things is m wife. We have dishes, dishes, dishes!!! Everytime her group of friends gets together at our house for a luncheon, there is a set of dishes I have never seen on the table. She tells me they are old and that I just don't remember them. She does not "borrow" my tools. Occasionally, however, somethings of hers has founds its way to the shop ie an iron, a pair of scissors. etc.
    Thanks John
    Don't take life too seriously. No one gets out alive anyway!

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