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Thread: Workshop Dust Collection Setup - Need Advice

  1. #1

    Workshop Dust Collection Setup - Need Advice

    Hi everyone. I'm new to the community and this is my first post. I need some advice about dust collection. I have 2 Shopfox dust collectors. Each is 1 1/2 hp, both have a 6" inlet and a dual 4" port attachment. I currently drag them around the shop from one station to another. This is not ideal. It can be, at times, frustrating when it gets snagged on something during relocation and then there is the occasional ramming into my ankle which leads to some pain and even more frustration.

    Now, I have thought long and hard about how to set up a stationary system with pipe runs to each station. I have an area in the garage that is ideal to close off into a dc closet. Where my planning gets tricky is the setup. Should I, or better yet can I, link both dc units (parallel) into a single 6", or possibly 8", pipe run? (Will an 8" pipe, or possibly larger, allow for better circulation in this case?) Or, should I leave the 2 dc units independent and have one run down 1/2 the room perimeter and the other down the opposite half?

    I would really appreciate any input. Thank you in advance.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Detroit Michigan
    I would have both collectors independent from each other and have half the shop hooked up to one and the other half hooked up to the other. Its not hard to do a dust colllection system. I just got done today redoing my dust collection system to make it more efficent. I was able to take out 4 90 degree albows and now i have more suction at the farthest spot from it. I have 2 hp hf dust collector and my shop is about 21 by 11 and the collector works fine for it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Woodstock, VA
    If I was using two collectors I'd run them separately. Or I'd sell them both and buy a cyclone. Either way I'd use a pleated filter. I'm sure others can provide additional advise but I'd also read up on Bill Pentz. He's covered the subject in detail. Oh, and remote switches are really nice!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Saint Helens, OR
    I'm skeptical that a 1 1/2 HP single stage DC will provide adequate DC performance when hooked up to even a minimal DC ducting system, pleated filter or not.

    I use a HF single stage DC with a pleated filter and find that it offers what I consider bare minimal performance when hooked up to my equipment with a six foot 5" flex hose. I think 3 HP would be a minimal sized unit to marry to a DC ducting system, and at that it should be a pretty modest one.

    If configuring a ducting system is in the cards I would certainly consider a cyclone system, the bigger the better. I don't believe I have ever read any regrets of drawbacks to having to many CFM in a DC unit.
    Measure twice, cut three times, start over. Repeat as necessary.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Helensburgh, Australia
    What do you want out of an extractor, to pick up the big chips or to extract the fine dust, that is the first decision you have to make. You may find reading this site will help..

    Everything I like is either illegal, immoral or fattening

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Nashville, TN
    My first preference would be to trade both for a 3HP (or larger if you need it) cyclone collector. Ohterwise, I would run the single stage units separately, not in parallel. Youl could put them in parrallel, but you are losing the flexibility of machine placement and having to install some type of duct system. If you keep them separate, you could do a cluster of machines around each single stage unit, keeping the duct runs very short and save on the cost of ductwork. If you put them in parrallel, you are going to have some ductwork for a system as I assume you wouldn't want to pull both around your shop based on your post. There are some other advantages to a cyclone collector, but I understand wanting to use the single stage units since you already have them.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Richmond, VA

    I have been running two units in parallel for several years. They connect to a plywood plenum and from there into 6" PVC. This has worked well for me. YMMV.

    Good luck!!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    New York, NY
    Seems like 2 units in parallel would be double the noise.

  9. #9
    Thanks for all the input everyone. I'm going to try to run them in parallel and see how that works. My main concern is dust, not chips, and the noise isn't an issue since they'll both be in a closet with good sound proofing. If it fails or doesn't provide the necessary collection, I'll have to bite the bullet and move up to at least a 3 hp system. At least the duct work will be in place for the possible upgrade. Thanks again everyone. I'll keep you posted.

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