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Thread: Bandsaw boxe's

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Rogersville, Al
    GREAT thanx
    The Country Toad Workshop Rogersville, Al

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Rogersville, Al
    GREAT thanx
    The Country Toad Workshop Rogersville, Al

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Sharon Center, OH
    Those boxes look awesome! Great form! About how long do you think it would take a beginner to do one, start to finish minus the flocking?


  4. #19
    Tim Guest

    Suede Tex?

    Great box Bob! What did you think of the suede tex? Have you used it before. I haven't used it, but it looks interesting. I've been a bit leery because I thought the proper technique might take a while to develop. I'd appreciate your impressions of it.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Phenix City, Alabama

    You're Right

    You're right - I was going off the top of my head, and it has been a couple of months.

    Anyway those dimensions are not critical, and I think after the first box or two, I stopped measuring, and just scribed a line and cut.

    I did find that since I was using my routertable and a roundover bit to round over the edges before sanding, that I needed the a little more thickness in the drawer fronts and backs, so that the pilot bearing had something to ride against.



  6. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Sarasota Florida
    Patrick,it's hard to say how long a box would take, i'd try the smallest one and would guess about 3-4 hours total would do it,it should go much faster after you get the hang of it.

    Tim, the Suede Tex is a piece of cake,doesn't take any time and there is really no knack to it, spread the glue,spray the flocking on and that's it your done. And no i had not used it before.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Waterbury Connecticut

    i agree

    suede tex is a no brainer, figuring the most effective use of cuts and grain is another matter. somehow certain pieces of wood just have a life of their own. don't be afraid to use the pics in the book as a guide some wood will have it's own form.

    piece of burl that had a life of it's own..after that I gave up on the book and just cut freehand, came up with this:

    bocote in an interesting shape. then I tried some Valentines gifts:

    first was burl heart then a zebrawood/oak/cherry lined with suede tex. if these pictures don't come out can someone please help?
    Last edited by Walt Quadrato; 02-21-2003 at 4:53 PM.
    There's no tool like an old tool

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Starkville, MS
    Hey Bob, when are you going to visit the local woodworking club? We'd love to see some of these boxes in person.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Sarasota Florida
    Hey Doyle,where are you guy's?

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Edmonton Alberta
    Boy Oh Boy! do I ever like your style!
    I've seen these before but really with amatuer designs and finishes.
    Have you got any precautions for a first timer on these trophies?
    What size blades work best for you?
    How did you get that even finish?

    Boy Oh boy I just gotta make a couple of these!

    cheers Bob

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Sarasota Florida
    Dr Bob,thats not my design,it belongs to Lois Keener Ventura,and yes they are very nice,the finish i used was Danish oil,then buffed a coat of wax on them,best blade to use is a 3/16" 10 tooth per inch

  12. #27
    Wow all those boxes look awesome. Now I just need to get a bandsaw.

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Starkville, MS
    Bob, it looks like you've got your email blocked out. Drop me a line at my work email and I'll give you the local club information.

  14. #29

    more Keener boxes

    Here are a few that I've made and one extra made from the scrap of the fish-shaped box. It was an easy project for me and had a lot of fun. In fact, when I get back into the shop this spring, I'm planning on making a few right away. I use Tried and True Original Finish on mine and haven't yet found a liner I care to use. I guess I might try some flocking but am guessing I'll be a klutz with it!

    Diane in Ithaca

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  15. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Sarasota Florida
    Nice work Diane, give that suede tex a try,i know you won't goof it up, as it's the easiest thing there is,just paint the glue on then spray the flocking onto the wet glue,what could be easier.
    Last edited by Bob Reilly; 02-24-2003 at 2:56 PM.

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