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Thread: Fein tools only for hobbyists?!

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Northwestern Connecticut
    I've never owned a fein van, but I've used two in shops I've worked in, small commercial shops both. They both got what I'd call pretty intense regular use, both continue to work flawlessly and the owners both highly recommend them. I went with a PC vacuum based on reviews about the front wheels breaking on the fein when it went to lots of job sites. Better as a shop based tool, I think they have changed the front wheels since then. I've put some hurt in to a multi master or two as well, I'm hard on tools, especially those I don't own (guilty I'll admit), and I've yet to kill one. If these are hobbiest tools, they are very tough ones. I suspect you will have more people happy with Fein tools than not based on my experience.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    I generally think it's better to address the problem first before venting on a public forum. Unfortunately 'shoot first, ask questions later' seems to be the way things are done these days

    I would call the manufacturer and try to diagnose the problem to see if there's something really simple that will fix it. If not and there's a part that needs to be replaced you'll have to decide whether or not it's worth it to fix it, but at least you'll have the full story to share.

    FWIW things happen, doesn't matter if it's a cheap Asian import or the top of the line German equipment. Sure your odds are better with a higher end product, but there's always going to be the occasional hiccup. I only have one Fein tool and I use it commercially for installations and it's been problem free for several years. I'm more than happy to recommend it to anyone who asks

    good luck,

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Northern Michigan
    In your attempt to diss Fein it seems that you have created a consensious among pros that they are good tools. Can you say backfire?

    Count me in as a pro that has had great success with Fein tools.


  4. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Medina Ohio
    O have the multi master and 2 turbo vacs anf they all work long and hard with no problems

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Bryant, Wisconsin
    Let's see: Fully 1/3 or 33% of my Fein tools have failed in one year of medium service. That's a fact. Would you think that I should, based on my personal experience, be happy with that? C'mon fellas. What would I care about your own experience from a few posters here? Well, I did use your posts to try to steer myself in the right direction for a purchase, but it seems that the same premise of a few "good" reviews led me to a dud in this particular case. I now question the whole internet review situation. However, what else can one move ahead with except the blind trial and error? Buy something by poking and hoping? I wonder. What truly representative survey is out there for us to use as a guide? Dunno.

    I don't wish to "dis" any manufacturer in itself. I can name and give positives for quite a few in my experience, and I have done so. But if the internet reviews and forums are out there, in the very least the facts should be put forth both positive and negative. It seems that censorship is rampant so as not to hurt feelings (sob, sob) or for advertising sales or sponsorship purposes. Shame.

    Prior to the internet, companies could get away with much less exposure to review and could, to a great extent, market regardless of feedback from the masses. Not so as much anymore. I would like to hold them, as far as my personal power allows, to be more accountable to the principle "what the market will bear". It serves me individually. I want more and better products available. Those manufacturers want more profit. That's OK and we both can be happy, if they can both sell me and profit from a vacuum that works for me.

    "So what's the fuss, Mark? My tools are working. Yours aren't? Can't be--stop complaining, will ya?"

  6. #21
    At least let us know what Fein said when you called them.

  7. #22
    I'd be curious to find out what they say when called, too, that's really the only thing useful that could come from any of this.

    The conclusions drawn on one piece of gear (that is under warranty) not working out of three almost seem to me as if they'd have to be scripted. The overreaction is totally over the top.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    I don't think your going to find what you want. First b/c even those who do 'good' tool reviews are not generally going to follow up a couple years later. And secondly b/c even if say 1 out of 100 of the particular tools failed within that timespan, and someone followed up a year later.....what's the chance that the one the reviewer bought is a faulty one? You've already seen most people who bothered to respond are happy with their tools, so that by itself should tell you something If Fein was just making junk you probably would have gotten more responses to that affect??? And using percentages when you've bought 3 tools is a little much no??? If we're going to go there we'll have guys who only bought a single tool saying 100% of what they bought from 'so and so' was defective

    Of course you can be disappointed with your tool and should be. I think what we're trying to convey is stuff happens, regardless of manufacturer. I think we're just recommending you to make some calls and get some answers before making a negative post. Then if your not satisfied you can rant on them all you want, no one has stopped you yet!

    good luck,

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Bryant, Wisconsin
    OK, it' been awhile and here's the report:

    I tore the vac apart and tested the switch, board, and brushes. The board was bad. I thought that if I contacted Fein USA with this, the best that they would do was to replace the board, or even the whole vac. How was I to trust that it wouldn't fail again? I decided that they have a problem with supplying reliable electronics to go with the (so far) good rest of the vac. I do not have the time to go through another round with a manufacturer. I removed the board and re-wired it as a straight, full vac. Then I bought a $50 auto switch (I Vac) and will see how long that lasts. If I had to buy another board, it would cost well over $100. I have no variable speed now, but I at least have a working DC.

    My motive here is not to merely "rant". I have used this and other forums for advice a lot. They are a good place to share both the good and the bad. No one would target somebody for being a complainer if they reported here that their self-designed jig or tip or technique that they tried really didn't work very well. Any report or review is to save someone from extra effort, agony, or money. Or it is to steer someone in the opposite direction: GO BUY THIS or TRY THIS METHOD, it's great! I hope that my "negative" (God forbid!) report helps others make a decision about buying a vac for automatic dust control. And you might try reading the positive comments I haved posted also. Or should we censor all opinion? I might be that one in a million with a bad Fein vac, but that shouldn't stop me from announcing it. Otherwise we might as well revert back to the pre-internet past where there were not many reviews around to base a buying decision on.

    I have drafted a standard letter to Fein re: this so that they can have some feedback. I don't think a phone call or an e-mail would be the best way to go.

    So for you "Fein is fine" people, you're still only 2/3 right in my book.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Toledo, OH
    So you sent a letter with little expectation of getting a resolution to your warranty problem and in the same excercise probably voided the warranty in altering the manufactured design and function of the machine. I don't have a dog in this fight but from what I am reading it seems like you just wanted to complain and then set things up so you can continue to do so. From what you have stated you really didn't give them the opportunity to honor the warranty so you're going to just have to "suck" it up....

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Central MA
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Levitski View Post
    OK, it' been awhile and here's the report:

    I do not have the time to go through another round with a manufacturer. I removed the board and re-wired it as a straight, full vac. Then I bought a $50 auto switch (I Vac) and will see how long that lasts.
    You didn't have time to call or e-mail Fein but you had time to go to the store and buy parts and you had time to write this post? Sounds to me like you didn't want to give Fein a chance to prove you wrong...

  12. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Levitski View Post
    I hope that my "negative" (God forbid!) report helps others make a decision about buying a vac for automatic dust control. And you might try reading the positive comments I haved posted also. Or should we censor all opinion? I might be that one in a million with a bad Fein vac, but that shouldn't stop me from announcing it.


  13. #28
    Join Date
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    Bryant, Wisconsin
    altering the manufactured design and function of the machine
    The "design" didn't work. It needed to be "altered", wouldn't you think? I just altered it in the most economical way in both money and time/effort. And I am not the only one. There is another thread on here now to that effect, and I have found others online for the same symptoms.

    Like I said, what would Fein do at best, give me another vac that would fail in a year then ask me to go through this again. Only a fool would approach this much differently.

    "Pick two fingers." Moe

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Helensburgh, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Levitski View Post
    OK, it' been awhile and here's the report:

    I tore the vac apart and tested the switch, board, and brushes. The board was bad. I thought that if I contacted Fein USA with this, the best that they would do was to replace the board, or even the whole vac. How was I to trust that it wouldn't fail again?
    Are you serious? I rate this whole thing as a troll and you have got the response from most here that it deserves. I suspect you expect Fein to see this thread and react in some way but as you don't want a replacement or repair I have got no idea of what they might do or exactly what your expectations are in all this. Unsubscribe from thread.

    Everything I like is either illegal, immoral or fattening

  15. #30
    If it's out of warranty, then I would have a play and see if I could fix it myself. If it's in warranty, then don't mess with it.

    Did you buy the extended warranty? I very rarely do, it's a means to extract profit mostly. But then if you buy an immensely complex machine that requires special tools, then perhaps it is worth it. I did just that recently with a jet ski. But a vacuum cleaner? Jeez. They're about the most simple electrical machines out there.

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