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Thread: Tormek vs Grizzly Wet Grinder

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Tormek vs Grizzly Wet Grinder

    Has anybody had any experience with the wet grinders from Grizzly? The price difference is sure significant.
    Teaching grandchildren the hobby is rewarding. Most of the time

  2. #2
    I've spent more than I'd like to recall on sharpening stones, jigs, machines, and gizmos. One of my obsessions is to retain a flat grind where possible (thus, all of the stones). After all of my exploits, I still can't sharpen a chisel to my liking (read: worth a darn) without spending hours upon hours (and then a few more hours) for the initial flattening and establishing the angle. I have a Jet wet grind that I use for some of my lathe tools that I don't really care about a flat grind.

    Recently I picked up a 'Jooltool' from a fellow creeker here. After a bit of indoctrination with it, I wish I had stumbled upon this thing originally, it would have saved me beaucoup AND I would have had tools the way I had always wanted them leading up to this point. Hard to believe, but it's actually made sharpening fun, fun because I marvel at how fast and effective it is. It might not be for everyone, but I would encourage you to at least look into it before making your decision.
    Sierra Madre Sawing and Milling
    Sierra Madre, California

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    New York, NY
    I assume you're referring to the Grizzly T10010 Tormek knock-off? I think Fine Woodworking did a comparison of it, the Tormek and the Jet a while back.

    Tormek came first, Grizzly second and Jet a distant last.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    I have a grizzly slow speed wet grinder. You can't be comparing this to a Tormek.....It's very coarse. I'm going to put it in the yard sale pile.

  5. #5
    Grizzly sells a couple versions, I won one of the smaller ones in a club raffle (do not recommend that one). I have read some pretty good reviews of the Grizzly 10" wet grinder.
    When failure is not an option
    Mediocre is assured.

  6. #6
    I have the Tormek, the top of the line model. I like it, but to be frank, it is a very simple machine and I can't imagine it's performance would be hard to replicate. I would bet you could build one yourself in a day or two. If I ever decide to set up dual stations, I'll be going with the Grizzly.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Trussville, AL
    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Kelly View Post
    I assume you're referring to the Grizzly T10010 Tormek knock-off? I think Fine Woodworking did a comparison of it, the Tormek and the Jet a while back.

    Tormek came first, Grizzly second and Jet a distant last.
    Any idea what issue this was in? I don't recall seeing article and I can't come up with anything on the FWW website. I'd like to read it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Redford, MI
    I had the Tiger version (8" wheel I think..), and was never too happy about it as the wheel didn't run true and I just figured it was a crappy product. Then, after getting my Tormek, I used the Tormek's diamond truing accessory on the Tiger's wheel and low and behold it actually wasn't too bad of a too sharpener after all.

    There were some big differences though. You could bog down the Tiger if you applied a lot of pressure to the tool -- with the Tormek, you literally can not bog it down. The Tiger is slower, partially because you can't apply as much pressure but also due to the stone not being as aggressive or just a lower quality stone in general.

    And, the Tormek jigs are obviously of a higher quality.

    I'd imagine that most of the above could be said of the Grizzly as well...

    Whichever you buy, plan of spending the cash for a truing tool of some sort - it's darn near a requirement regardless.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2008
    I have a Lap-sharp LS200 system and like it very much. If spending big $$ on a sharpening system, this might be worth a look to you.

    (I got mine off CL for a good price so it might not be fair to compare, but I do really like it)

  10. #10
    I have never heard an owner who was happy with the Grizzly sharpener. If your going to buy a Tormek (I've had one for six years) I should warn you that the drive wheel are plastic and have a tendency to crack. This is bad enough, given the price of the machine, but Tormek asks an outrageous $70.00 to replace them (jet only charges $18.00). This is the only issue I have had, but it is enough. Pay over $600.00 for a simple machine like this and then have to come up with $70.00 time and again. NO WAY! So stay away from Tormek.

  11. #11

  12. #12

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Well I guess I'm old school as I use a plain old slow speed grinder to sharpen my chisels. I picked up a little stand that you can adjust the angle of and it works quite well for my needs. I do like the concept of being able to sharpen longer blades and such.....but I'd have to sharpen a LOT of blades to cover the entry fee on the Tormek! The Grizzly looks pretty attractive at that price....but I too would be cautious when it's Soooooo much cheaper??? Let us know how you make out.

    good luck,

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Belden, Mississippi
    I don't know why the venerable Makita horizontal wet sharpener gets overlooked. I've used this puppy for many years with excellent results. Plane irons, knives, chisels, skews, etc. Fine, simple machine.
    On the other hand, I still have five fingers.

  15. #15
    I have the Grizzly 8" wet slow speed grinder. It is fine for sharpening chisels and plane irons, although slower than a high speed grinder. My trouble is getting the plane iron mounted in the holder so it comes out square.

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