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Thread: Shingles Vaccination

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Saddlebrooke, AZ

    Shingles Vaccination

    Went to the Doc for my annual physical on Friday...I turned 60 last August and he asked if I wanted a Shingles vaccination...recommended by the CDC for people over 60. My wife who is older than me by a few years had a mild case of shingles and it was not too sister had it as well. Anyway I decided to get the vaccination and my arm is swollen and hurts like heck! I know it is a live virus but geesh....the reaction I have is fairly least I am not gasping for air!

    "Your beliefs don't make you a better person...your behavior does."

  2. #2
    I had the shingles vaccine and didn't have any reaction - don't even remember my arm being sore. I just felt it was better than getting shingles.

    Go into the world and do well. But more importantly, go into the world and do good.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Middle Tennessee
    Doesn't sound good to me. I just turned 60 and plan to get the shot. My wife is a couple of years older than me also and, like your wife, had a "mild" case about a year ago. It took her about 2 months to get over it and it was extremely painful. Bad stuff.

    I had the bad arm but I sure don't want the shingles.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Saddlebrooke, AZ
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Henderson View Post
    I had the shingles vaccine and didn't have any reaction - don't even remember my arm being sore. I just felt it was better than getting shingles.

    Consider yourself lucky...50% of the people that get the vaccination suffer from similar reaction like I am wife, who had Shingles, got the vaccination after her experience and did not remember having any reaction as well...oh well...guess I am just unlucky!

    "Your beliefs don't make you a better person...your behavior does."

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Chappell Hill, Texas
    I probably won't be getting it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    N.W. Missouri
    I would research just how much the vaccine really helps. Some of those wonder drugs that advertise during the evening news are as much snake oil as medicine when you research them. Phrases like
    "emerging science suggest" and disclaimers along the bottom of the screen that you can't read leave me skeptical.


  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by John McClanahan View Post
    I would research just how much the vaccine really helps. Some of those wonder drugs that advertise during the evening news are as much snake oil as medicine when you research them. Phrases like
    "emerging science suggest" and disclaimers along the bottom of the screen that you can't read leave me skeptical.

    There are several articles on Wikipedia about shingles and the vaccine. I read most of them before I got the shot. If I recall, it's not perfect but it's much better than getting shingles. [You'll find other sites with info about the vaccine if you Google for it.]

    One interesting thing is that it was noticed that older adults who were exposed to children with chickenpox had a much lower incidence of shingles. The reason was that the chickenpox exposure served as a "booster" to the older adult's immune system (assuming the older adult had had chickenpox). However, now that children are being vaccinated against chickenpox - and therefore don't get it - the grandparents are not getting that booster to their immune system and are more susceptible to shingles.

    Last edited by Mike Henderson; 03-18-2013 at 12:21 AM.
    Go into the world and do well. But more importantly, go into the world and do good.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Medina Ohio
    I read that the vaccine is 50% effective. You have a 50% chance of getting shingles without it and 50% with it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Newnan, GA
    I sure hope I'm in the "50% effective" because I had a light case of shingles last year and it sure was painful for about a week. Don't want to go through that again.
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  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Las Cruces, NM
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Henderson View Post
    However, now that children are being vaccinated against chickenpox - and therefore don't get it - the grandparents are not getting that booster to their immune system and are more susceptible to shingles.

    A tangential, but important question is whether adults who are not currently immune to polio are in danger of getting polio from children who get vaccinated with the live virus. Years ago, I read that this happened to some grandparents. Is this still a danger?

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Granby, Connecticut - on the Mass border
    We no longer vaccinate children in the US with the live virus, more or less for that reason.


  12. #12
    Join Date
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    The Hartland of Michigan
    If you have had Chicken Pox, you might consider it. No Pox? No need.
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  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerome Stanek View Post
    I read that the vaccine is 50% effective. You have a 50% chance of getting shingles without it and 50% with it.
    No, it halves your chance of getting shingles vs. no vaccine. If you had a 50% chance without the virus, you have a 25% chance with it.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    NW Indiana
    I got the Shingles vaccination as I know someone who had Shingles and would do anything to avoid it.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Larry Frank View Post
    I got the Shingles vaccination as I know someone who had Shingles and would do anything to avoid it.
    Interesting. My wife and I were discussing the Shingles vaccination this evening, and, in our 70+ years (each), we can only recall one person that we know who had Shingles. Is it now more common? If so, why? Or is it more drug company advertising?

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