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Thread: Preferred Sharpening Abrasive

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Nashville, Tennessee
    I just got the Sigma II's in 1200, 8,000,& 13,000 and I was really surprised how fast you can sharpen with them. I also have a DMT coarse plate that I use to get the secondary and micro bevels first then with just a couple of minutes on the 1200 & 8000 you have a very sharp tool. I use the 13000 on the micro bevel and about a minute on the back to make it look like glass. This method gives me as sharp an edge as I need and makes it very easy to keep them touched up.

  2. #17
    +1 for Stu's Sigma power ceramic waterstones!!!!!

    Though I prefer waterstones, I enjoy vintage oil stones. They're not as fast but certainly less messy. DMT diamond stones work, too; but I don't like the lack of feedback. For me, my Sigma, Chosera, and Bester stones are faster and provide much better feedback. My Chosera 1k is blazingly fast but is the messiest stone I use. The wear inconsistency and dust mess is why I don't like or use sandpaper; but, I never hesitate to use lower grits (below 120) when beneficial. My low grit waterstones--King Deluxe 300, Cerax 320, & Sigma 400--have all but eliminated use of sandpaper. Coarse India stones work well. But the go out flat, too.

    All these "systems" work. It's just a matter of preference and repeatable results.

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