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Thread: R.Chair Restoration Help

  1. #1

    R.Chair Restoration Help

    A friend got this child's rocking chair 55 years ago and threw it in the trash because the wood was rotten and missing a rocker... She got it when she was 6 so I thought I'd try to restore it as a surprise Christmas gift. (Yep, I dug it out of the trash ).

    So far, I have taken most of it apart and sanded all of the paint off of it and it looks like it is poplar with all the green. It was painted white, her mom says when she gave it to her. The paint looks more creamish but that could be age. So I'll use paint for a finish.

    I don't know how to fill in the holes for the slats in back. They are about a half inch too wide. This will not be used but for dolls sitting on it so structure is not an issue.

    Is there a good wood filler I could use to surround the slats with? Some of the holes to accept the tenons on the spindles are loose too.

    Should I use Minwax wood hardener on the whole thing before I start?

    I'll make another rocker for it and use a dowel to connect it I'm thinking. Any suggestions or tips would be most welcome. shop008.jpgIMG_0286.jpgshop2004.jpg Thanks, Ellie

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Mt Jackson, VA
    Famowood makes some pretty good stuff, especially if you will just be painting over it. The only downside is you need to work really fast with it because it hardens up quick.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Enchanted land of beer, cheese & brats
    I've had very good luck with Durham Rock Hard Putty. It very inexpensive, most hardware stores (including the the big boxes) sell it. You've gotta mix it yourself with water. Fills good, hardens quickly (I think there's ways to extended the open time, but I've never bothered), sands good, paints well. Doesn't shrink or stink. Best to let it harden over night before sanding, tends to clog the sand paper otherwise. But if ya want to chisel or scrape it just let it set up for a few hours.

    Good luck

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