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Thread: Significance of dreams

  1. #1

    Significance of dreams

    Last night, I dreamed I was walking down the road, and in the grass were a bunch of extension cords, maybe one every 10-15 feet.

    Is this just a dumb dream, or are there psychological meanings to this type of dream?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stephen Cherry View Post
    Last night, I dreamed I was walking down the road, and in the grass were a bunch of extension cords, maybe one every 10-15 feet.

    Is this just a dumb dream, or are there psychological meanings to this type of dream?
    It all depends on the context as it relates to your life. Did you marvel at a display of extension cords recently?

    Is there a need for extension cords in your shop or home?

    Do you have a lot of extension cords in use?

    For me a dream like this often signals there will be a lot of extension cords in my near future.

    Do you ever have prescient dreams? (dreams indicating future events)


    Personal note, I have not made any deep studies of psychology, I am not a psychologist and I am not your psychologist.
    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
    - Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

  3. #3
    Not an expert on any of this but I've always felt that dreams are you brain's way of laying out the various concerns or worries of your sub-conscious. Things that might be bothering you or on your mind but that you don't really deal with on a daily, conscious level. Like, your brain wants to process and deal with these emotions that you may not be allowing it to, during normal activity.

    I was in terrible car accident some years ago. A woman lost control of her vehicle while merging onto the freeway and shot across all four lanes, perpendicular to the oncoming traffic. I T-boned her at freeway speed. Though I was not badly hurt, she was. I put it behind me, so to speak, pretty quickly but had dreams for years therafter that I was driving a car and another car was in front of me. No matter how I swerved to avoid it, it kept matching my moves. I would never hit it in my dreams but it was always there and I could not get around it. And this was frightening to me. Anyhow, the "awake brain" was telling me, "You need to put this behind you and move on with life", but there apparently was still pyschological trauma that I had not addressed and I feel like these dreams were a way of trying to process and work it through.

    Anyhow, that is how it seems to me.

    Erik Loza
    Minimax USA

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Koepke View Post
    It all depends on the context as it relates to your life. Did you marvel at a display of extension cords recently?

    Is there a need for extension cords in your shop or home?

    Do you have a lot of extension cords in use?

    For me a dream like this often signals there will be a lot of extension cords in my near future.

    Do you ever have prescient dreams? (dreams indicating future events)


    Personal note, I have not made any deep studies of psychology, I am not a psychologist and I am not your psychologist.
    Nope- no abnormal focus on extension cords. Have a some, use them when I need them. I don't remember many dreams, but when I do, it's usually something just this unimportant.

    In normal life, I will occasionally be in a new circumstance that is strangely familiar, which may be from dreams. It's like an odor (smell) memory- you know you have smelled something before, but can't remember where or when.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Erik Loza View Post
    Not an expert on any of this but I've always felt that dreams are you brain's way of laying out the various concerns or worries of your sub-conscious. Things that might be bothering you or on your mind but that you don't really deal with on a daily, conscious level. Like, your brain wants to process and deal with these emotions that you may not be allowing it to, during normal activity.

    I was in terrible car accident some years ago. A woman lost control of her vehicle while merging onto the freeway and shot across all four lanes, perpendicular to the oncoming traffic. I T-boned her at freeway speed. Though I was not badly hurt, she was. I put it behind me, so to speak, pretty quickly but had dreams for years therafter that I was driving a car and another car was in front of me. No matter how I swerved to avoid it, it kept matching my moves. I would never hit it in my dreams but it was always there and I could not get around it. And this was frightening to me. Anyhow, the "awake brain" was telling me, "You need to put this behind you and move on with life", but there apparently was still pyschological trauma that I had not addressed and I feel like these dreams were a way of trying to process and work it through.

    Anyhow, that is how it seems to me.

    Erik Loza
    Minimax USA
    I've also read or saw on a show that dreaming is a normal part of refreshing memories, and of course bad memories may be of a higher priority than good ones.

    Think about it, the caveman who really remembered very well to be afraid of the lion might have out survived others that didn't.

  6. #6
    I think what I would be concerned about is being disturbed by that experience WHILE DREAMING IT. That would make the dream a NIGHTMARE . Chamomile tea drunk right before sleep is an excellent preventative . And , being something of an amateur detective , I can deduce that you are probably a citizen of the US....otherwise you would have said "every few thousand millimeters".

  7. #7
    My wife and I were actually just having this conversation. I don't have nightmares. Things in dreams just don't frighten me at the level they did when I was a small child. When I was a kid, sure, it would have been a nightmare.

    Erik Loza
    Minimax USA

  8. #8
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    Do you have a fear of flying?

    The 'ole man I was in business with always said......If flying,he'd much rather have a drop cord.Parachutes don't always open,but an extension cord is going to hang up on something!Just a thought?

  9. #9
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    Maybe its part of your journey towards getting plugged in...

    I think one of my weirder dreams was when I dream't I was a human fly trapped in a spider web of make files (I was working on a particularly intransigent computer setup that consisted of several thousand makefiles used to build a large software stack - so the dream wasn't surprising.. just weird).

    I actually use dreams as design elements a fair bit, I'll see something in a dream and then sketch it out and try to make a functional variant later. Sometimes it works out.. its usually at least interesting.

  10. #10
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    I think you should get yourself at least one more extension cord so that you are prepared (for something)

  11. #11
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    I think it means you are going to build a new, grass floored shop.

    Rick Potter

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Stephen Cherry View Post
    Last night, I dreamed I was walking down the road, and in the grass were a bunch of extension cords, maybe one every 10-15 feet.

    Is this just a dumb dream, or are there psychological meanings to this type of dream?
    Time to take down the Christmas lights.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by John Coloccia View Post
    Time to take down the Christmas lights.
    Now, that is FUNNY . . . at least it is to me.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Virginia and Kentucky
    Quote Originally Posted by Stephen Cherry View Post
    Last night, I dreamed I was walking down the road, and in the grass were a bunch of extension cords, maybe one every 10-15 feet.

    Is this just a dumb dream, or are there psychological meanings to this type of dream?

    I am a psychologist. Don't put too much stock in your dreams; many times they have little to no meaning. My educated guess is it's just a dumb dream.

  15. #15
    You need more outlets so you can be free of extension cords
    Carpe Lignum

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