I figured this little project is different enough from what most here do on a daily basis that it was worth sharing.

A local car restoration company needed to have a new one of these made
but it needed to say 12 volt and be nickle or chrome
I tried it first with copper with the plan of then having it chrome plated. Once I was done engraving the engraving was covered in black slag. The only way I could remove it was to sand blast it away. The sandblasting washed out quite a bit of the detail from the copper.

I then tried it on a piece of white brass (That is what I was told it was called)
Here is how it looked after 8 passes at .2" per second.
Here it is after a bit of sandblasting to remove the slag
And here is a near finished piece after it was polished.
DSCF5666.jpgIt still needs to be cut out and drilled.