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Thread: Happy Birthday Keith Outten!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Lewiston, Idaho

    Happy Birthday Keith Outten!

    Happy Birthday Keith! I hope it's a special day! Here's wishing many more for you!

    So much to learn, so little time.....

  2. #2
    Yes, Happy Birthday, Keith. May you have many, many more.

    Go into the world and do well. But more importantly, go into the world and do good.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Harvey, Michigan
    Happy Birthday Keith! Hope you have a very special day - surrounded by family and friends!!

    “You never know what you got til it's gone!”
    Please don’t let that happen!
    Become a financial Contributor today!

  4. #4
    Happy Birthday! Hope it's a fantastic day (and year) for you.
    Reese & Shari Loveless
    Owners of Linden Valley Carving

  5. #5

    Hope it's a good one!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Savannah, GA
    Happy Birthday, Keith! I'll buy you a beer (if you drink), or a piece of cake at IWF!

    “Life is not so short but that there is always time enough for courtesy and chivalry.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Everybody knows what to do with the devil but them that has him. My Grandmother
    I had a guardian angel at one time, but my little devil got him drunk, tattooed, and left him penniless at a strip club. I have not had another angel assigned to me yet.
    I didn't change my mind, my mind changed me.
    Bella Terra

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Tucson, Arizona
    Happy Birthday, Keith.
    Lori K

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Virginia Beach, VA.
    Happy Birthday, Keith. Many happy returns

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia
    Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes. I had a great day yesterday and it ended with a family dinner that was the best part of my day.

    Belinda, I am unable to go to IWF this year. Although I feel really good these days I doubt I could handle the endless walking and hours on my feet at IWF. I'm just going to have to wait till the next one.

    No alcohol and very little cake in my diet these days. I'm on a low sodium diet and watching my calories as well trying not to gain the weight I lost in early May while I was in the hospital. One or two Cokes per week and fried chicken once per month pushes the envelope but I man has to live a little bit

    Thanks again everyone,

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    NE Ohio
    Happy belated birthday. I don't know how I missed this yesterday.
    "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." - John Lennon

  11. #11
    Hope it was a great day (sounds like it was)

    Proud 24-yr USAF Veteran

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    FIRMWARE: My brain

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