I agree with Mark that I would poll your local community to see what is needed within the community.

Businesses in that type of situation can do quite well. My wife is from a small farming community of Fairbury, IL some 30 miles from Bloomington, IL population 76,000 in the 2000 census. The town of Fairbury has a population of about 4,000 in the 2000 census. In Fairbury is a grocery store named "Dave's Supermarket". Dave has great quality groceries and good prices. There are people who live in Bloomington that drive 30 miles to shop at Dave's. I have family members who drove about 35 miles through another town to shop at Dave's. The service at Dave's is Never less than stellar. There is a key difference, however. The population density is dramatically higher.

It takes a special personality and type of courage to operate a small business. I don't have either. Good luck!