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Thread: Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments....

  1. Did a little turnin' this weekend. Helped put on a "festival" for the kids at church Saturday. I was in charge of building/watching the fire for roasting marshmallows (real tough job ).

    Was flippin' channels and saw a Friday the 13th movie on and this woman was doin' battle with the bad guy - she was flingin' this chainsaw around tryin' to saw him up. They were in a shed/barn. He had a machete for his weapon. Anyway, some gas got spilled out and a fire erupted! And it was at this time that I got the full effect of the scary movie! I yelled at the TV - "AAAHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhh! There's a handplane on that shelf back there about to burn!"

    I'm not kiddin' either. There it was - right there on the shelf. Flames lickin' it all over. I had to change the channel...

    My wife looked at me like a calf starin' at a new gate... I don't EVEN want to know what she was thinkin'....

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Olathe, Kansas (Kansas City)
    We had the big Olathe showdown in high school football this weekend and my nephew plays. Battle of undefeated 6A's. Unfortunately, they got out coached and lost. Hopefully they can meet again in the district semi's.

    Saturday my son had his last flag football game. School spookfest that evening.

    Sunday in between family activities, I was able to get into the shop and tear down a kitchen cabinet I had made and begin converting it to a new bathroom vanity cabinet.

    Caught a little football, golf and NASCAR on the telly. And stayed up way too late watching the game last night.
    Scott C. in KC
    Befco Designs

  3. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Cothren
    My wife looked at me like a calf starin' at a new gate... .

    So THAT's what that look is!!!!! I've been wondering, and I get it a lot!
    "There's nothing wrong with Quiet" ` Jeremiah Johnson

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Herndon, VA
    Plumbing and tiling. Plumbing and tiling. Plumbing and tiling! It just won't stop!!!

    The bathroom remodel continues. I got 99% of the tiling done. I need to order some more baseboard tiles and seal the wall and floor tiles. I wanted to get some real shop time in but everything else was too busy.

  5. #20
    Put a new treated floor in my 16' trailer. Had two patches on it, and about fell through it in another spot when delivering cabs week before last.

    Had a family gathering here for my wifes family, kind of a late memorial to Her father.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    San Diego, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by Frank Pellow
    Andrew, I very much enjoyed hearing about your trip to visit your grandfather. 96 and apparenetly continuing to live a full life, great! My wish is that he may continue to do so for a long time to come!
    Thanks, Frank. He's a good guy and worked hard as an oil roughneck and made sure his kids had a better life. I loved when he took me out to the oilfields when I was a kid and showed me how things worked.

    - Andy

  7. #22
    Saturday was spent resting a bit from a long week at work, but I got another couple cutting boards finished, with two more soaking in mineral oil to be finished tonight or tomorrow. Also did some shrub trimming and other general yard work.

    I also got a "final" coat of finish on a box I've been working on, only to decide I still don't like the lines of the box, so it'll be going back into cosmetic surgery soon. I had another box about 98% done (just needed to install the bottom) when a chunk of juniper fell off a high shelf in the garage onto the top of my box, leaving a nasty gouge on the edge of the top. Grafting new wood wasn't really workable, so I'm in the process of building it back up with stainable epoxy putty. I had a lot of emotional investment in this particular box, so the top wasn't the only thing that was crushed. I'll post pics once the repair in complete.

    Sunday LOML and I went to a "retirement brunch" for one of her co-workers at the Ritz-Carlton in Pasadena. Suffice to say, it sure wasn't your average Denny's or I-HOP, and we had a great meal and a nice time visiting with folks. After brunch, LOML says "Since we're already in Pasadena, do you need anything from Rockler?" (Have I mentioned that I love this girl?) Picked up a few odds and ends, and a couple nice pieces of wood for future box projects I have in mind.

    - Vaughn

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Benton Falls, Maine
    Been raining like mad up here for the past week and since our house and barn sit on ledge we have sump pumps underneath both. The one under the barn failed Friday night and by the time I discovered this Saturday morning we had two feet of standing water down there. Shot off to Agway, got a new pump and set it up. Once I could see the bottom of the pit I knew I'd have to redig the hole asap.

    Try re-digging a sump pump pit when it's still receiving tons of water!

    And that's why I didn't do a darn thing on Sunday.
    Only the Blue Roads

  9. #24
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Woodway Texas

    Veneer Press

    Recupperating from a business trip...airlines are a pain....
    Spent most of the weekend finishing my JWW style vacuum veneer press. I used a Gast I purchased off e-$*y (7 CFM); but all other parts are from JWW. I am very happy with the results. I tested the reservoirs to determine that they were air tight; 23 inches of mercury with no drop over a two hour period. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o></o>
    I am now in the process of making the bags; one will be approximately 48" square and the other will be 72" by 27".
    Watched all of Steven Kings, "Rose Red"; 6 hours of butt blistering TV.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Conway, Arkansas
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Clardy
    Put a new treated floor in my 16' trailer. Had two patches on it, and about fell through it in another spot when delivering cabs week before last.
    Hey Clardy,

    You can put a new treated floor in my trailer if ya need another one to do. Mine's got some holes in it big enough to park a trailer in.
    Thanks & Happy Wood Chips,
    Dennis -
    Get the Benefits of Being an SMC Contributor..!
    ....DEBT is nothing more than yesterday's spending taken from tomorrow's income.

  11. #26
    I got some quality shop time this weekend, the LOML was out ..
    Worked on bandsaw setup some more, got the laser mounted. I hope it will help with with dovetails and other freehand cuts on the BS.
    Also spent alot of time doing shop remodeling, moved a table around, re-organized lots of stuff and put some new shelves up. There is still alot of mess in the bench room. The ww machine shop is almost useable again.. stand by for the shop tour, hopefully next weekend
    Also made plans and more plans, for improved dust collection (hacking the new esta collector..) and a router table addition to my small table saw.


  12. #27
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Green Bay, WI
    No shop time this weekend. Worked all day Saturday and spent Sunday at a surprise 80th birthday party for my father.

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Fort Worth, TX
    I finally got around to making the moldings for the hanging bookshelf I'm doing for some neighbors.

    The first picture shows one of the units with a couple of shelves in place. It's basic face-frame cabinetry. There are two units this size and one that's taller and narrower, but deeper in the center. It will hang on french cleats.

    The second picture is of the moldings I made for the top. They are a close match for the molding on a armoire style computer desk they already have. I couldn't find the moldings, so I made them as close as I could. The bottom is made with a series of saw kerfs on a jig like a box joint jig. (Remind me never to do that again - mind numbingly boring.) The top is two stacked pieces, one with a stepped roundover on the bottom of it and another with just a 1/4 in roundouver.

    It will be stained as soon as they pick out the stain. They're trying to match the existing piece and having a difficult time. I'm colorblind, so I insisted they would pick the stain from the beginning. If I picked it, there's no way it would match.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    SE PA - Central Bucks County
    I did get some shop time this weekend cutting and finishing some components for the final, final bit of cabinetry left over from my 2003 kitchen renovation...yea, I know...'bout time. This is for the cubby between the fridge and the wall and will be a place for the girls to hang their coats and hats, etc. I will post pictures later in the week. I also hung a blind in the MBR to replace an old shade, made and installed some small auxilliary shelves in the bathroom cabinet for more efficient storage of "stuff". Otherwise, a little last minute travel shopping, getting the wood I cut and split last weekend stacked in the rack on our patio and a few other odds and ends.

    The most expensive tool is the one you buy "cheaply" and often...

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Blog Entries
    Firmed up the plans on this coming weekends salmon fishing expedition to Oswego,NY over the weekend. Most of the day Saturday was spent in the shop getting started on the fabbing up of a cabinet that will contain the new Widdy dart board for the bar room. Treated the better half to breakfast on Sunday morn at the local Perkins and then did just a tad more work on the cabinet before the guys came over to watch the days NASCAR event on the telly in the bar room and enjoy some games of pool.
    There's one in every crowd......and it's usually me!

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