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Thread: Turning Poll

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hopkinsville, Ky.

    Turning Poll

    I haven't visited the boards for about a week or so. Was it decided to keep the turning together with the power tool forum?

    in Hopkinsville, Ky.

    "Knowledge Is Power"

    "Git R Done"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Huntsville, AL (The Sun and Fun Capital of The South)
    Quote Originally Posted by W.C. Turner
    I haven't visited the boards for about a week or so. Was it decided to keep the turning together with the power tool forum?

    That decision has yet to be made. I am sure when it is made --a notice will be posted.
    "If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride - and never quit, you'll be a winner. The price of victory is high - but so are the rewards" - - Coach Paul "Bear" Bryant
    Ken Salisbury Passed away on May 1st, 2008 and will forever be in our hearts.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia

    Turning Forum

    To date the response has not been overwhelming either way. The benefits of everyone participating in one large forum are definitely having an impact on converting many flat workers to the Round Side so to speak so this is a positive for keeping everyone together.

    The only reason we decided to revisit this issue is because our software has features that many other forums don't have and with new options available it is worth discussing at this point in time. We have been watching the stats for the board closely and the numbers tell us that a very large group of our members still only view the Power Tool Forum and rarely visit other forums. In spite of the "View New Posts" feature which many have started to adopt as a permanent method of scanning SawMill Creek there are still many who have not been using this feature.

    It is possible that we are being selfish not having a forum for Turning. It really makes sense to provide a new forum for turning as it is a very popular area of woodworking. Those who are primarily flat workers can easily use the View New Posts option when they are interested in viewing messages outside of the Power Tool Forum. The Turners don't have a similar option so I am inclined to lean toward offering a new Turning Forum. I would prefer to see other opinions before we make a final decision.

    How about it Flat Workers! Shouldn't we provide the Turners with the same options we have for you and the Neanderthals? Lets be fair here and consider everyone's needs before we make this decision.

  4. #4

    Yes, let them have one.

    I do some turning also. Steve

  5. #5

    View new posts...


    It is automatic for me when I visit (which is probably far too often, but I don't want to miss anything) that I click on "View New Posts"...To me that is one of the very best features, and I review all new threads that way, and all of the posts on subjects/items of interest (which tends to be most things).

    I think it is really a matter of people getting used to this feature, unless there is a reason why it might not work well with some. I know when I visit other places with seperate forums, I sometimes don't make it over to the turning forum because it is extra work, and not my primary interest - but I hit it from time to time. With the "view new posts" option, that just isn't an issue....

    My $.02, which others may tell you is overpriced....


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Mossville, Illinois
    Is a modern lathe not a power tool? If someone was using a pedal powered lathe, would we force them to the neanderthal forum? Do we really need all the segregation on this forum? I understand wanting to make it better for people, but what's the difference if we have a seperate forum for turners or not. If you are going to seperate us that much, you might as well make a forum for each step of woodworking. How about finishing/staining work? That comes up in just about every forum here, do we want yet another forum for that too??? Sorry, I just think that we are reading way too much into what this forum software can and can't do. Just 'cause somethings there, doesn't mean we have to use it. Make no mistake, I think this is a great place to come for information, this is purely my humble opinion. Since we are at it, how about a spell checker? Or an automatic period/comma placer. I read a post the other day that I wasn't even interested in, but I had to keep reading it to try to follow it because there were no sentence breaks and I was curious as to what the heck they were trying to say! Sorry for the rant, I'll keep coming back either way.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    dawsonvill GA
    I agree with Roger. I go directly to view new posts. I think it is one of the better features on this fine board. I don't post a whole lot but I read it every day during my lunch break and finish at night if I don't during the day. I am a turner and flat woodworker and I am interested in all aspects of woodworking. Keep up the grate job on the board.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Apex, NC
    Quote Originally Posted by Keith Outten
    ...It is possible that we are being selfish not having a forum for Turning. ...
    Back in the old days of the Internet, before a certain mr. gore claimed that he invented it, we had NetNews which supported "newsgroups". These were similar to e-mail, but used a different transport protocol (nntp) to move the messages around. Example names are rec.aviation, sci.military, etc.

    At the time, newsgroup moderators would split out sub-groups based on the amount of traffic. For instance, comp.sci.lang quickly developed several sub-groups, usually one for every new language developed.

    To date, I have not seen anywhere near the daily volume which prompted a sub-group split. That was around 100+ posts per day.

    Like many others, I prefer to see wood-turning kept in the Power Tools forum for now. If traffic increases to 100+ posts per day on average, THEN we can re-visit this issue.

    Count me against a new forum for wood-turning at this time!

    pen-turner, small-scale turner, occasional flat-worker :-)
    pen-turner and aspiring cabinet-maker

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Plano, TX
    How about it Flat Workers! Shouldn't we provide the Turners with the same options we have for you and the Neanderthals?

    Heck yeah! Kick them Turners outa here!

    OK, so really, I don't care one way or the other...


  10. #10

    Thumbs down

    I didn't weigh in on this before, but as a fledgling turner I would like to see them stay together. Some of the turning posts helped me decide to get a lathe. I am still not sure I am clear on what the bennefit of having a dedicated turning forum would be. I just think it would splinter us too much. My .02


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