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Thread: help with sketchup 2016

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    pasco wa

    help with sketchup 2016

    With windows 10. I been trying to follow Dave Richards video making the cabinet as he does it. When I go to edit a component like the sides to add the tongues I make a copy and move it out like he does. When I make the tongue on the copy it only changes on the copy and not the original. I select it and choose to edit it. If I make my changes and then delete the original and move the copy in to place it works or hide the top and bottom make the changes it works too. I'm I doing something wrong not getting it to work the way he demonstrates it?
    Thanks Stacey

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Lewiston, Idaho
    Stacy......I can't help you but hang tough! Dave monitors this website and I'm sure he'll see this thread and reply with an answer for you.

    So much to learn, so little time.....

  3. #3
    Are you copying the component from the model, or bringing it in to the model space from the Components window? If it is really a component, editing a copy will also effect the original (and any other instances in the model with the same name). There are a couple of things that can go wrong:

    In the lower left corner of the Create Component dialog window is a check box labeled "Replace selection with component". If that is unchecked, the geometry selected to make the component remains "loose" but the component now exists in the Components window. If you combine geometry into a Group first, the dialog box doesn't appear. Click on the component in the model (the part you copy) and open the Entity Info window. That will tell you what you have; loose geometry, a group or a component. Do the same thing with the copied component. They both should be components an have identical names. You also may have inadvertently right-clicked and selected "Make Unique" from the pop-up menu. That would change the name of the copy.

    If you changed the orientation using "Flip Along" at some point you may not be able to see the changes in the original.

    Hope this helps, it's an unusual situation, but the behavior of Components hasn't changed with the introduction of SketchUp 2016. You might check on the SketchUp help forums to see if this is a Windows 10 issue. I upgraded to SketchUp 2016, but have reservations about Windows 10.

    Bob Lang

  4. #4
    Stacey, it sounds to me as if you've made a group instead of a component.

    As Bob says, the behavior of components hasn't changed so if you are editing an instance of a component, all other instances will get the same treatment.

    I sent you a PM.

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