Thanks guys. I THINK it all is due to the various machines Win 10 is installed on. Like I said earlier, I have a great big Old HP 4100TN that worked FINE under Windows 7 on my desktop. And I could print thru network from other machines. Desktop installed Win 10 while I wasn't looking... Yes, I had told it to ignore, but little good it did.
We were in the moving stage and I couldn't roll back and after 30 day it won't anyway.... My printer is installed ok, and prints. Shut down PC, Turn back on and printer is 'there' but is offline. No way to get online other than uninstall and reinstall it. Works till I cut it off again. POS! And this is a known type of issue. So Some computers will work with corel X5 or X6 and others will choke on those versions......