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Thread: Next project to be a little different

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    That's ok, I know where there are three young backs...and they can haul the dryer out when needed.

    Resaw on a 2x4 takes a LONG time. Finally got ONE corner post sized....almost. Needed a cambered jack to level things out, and get rid of any saw marks.....then a Jumbo Jack to clean up after this hungry beasty...
    cambered jack.JPG
    And the Jumbo...
    jumbo jack.JPG
    Was trying for a 4/4 thick board,,, wound up at 1-1/8"...close enough. I planed both faces, to clean things up, then worked on the edges...
    edge work.JPG
    Made use of both the leg vise, and the Crochet. The BIG plane laying on it's side to the right? A Stanley No. 7c, Type 9. I was looking for the best edge, for the next step...
    45 work.JPG
    Same Stanley #45, same cutter, as used on the rails. Plane is running a lot better now. Once the edge was done, I laid out where the bottom rail would go.....and made another saw cut...
    foot detail.JPG
    leaves a 1" x 1" pad to sit on the floor. At the other end of the angled cut, is the bottom of the bottom rail. Debating on whether to do any round-overs there....

    One down, three to go. Also need 6 more rails done....but, I do have all week to work on it, right?

    Still trying to find the ranges of the camera settings.....there is only a "Macro" and a "Micro", there is no in-between. Anything closer than 24omm is in the Macro range...Micro is way out there @ 1.5m.........Not sure I have THAT much room in the, maybe a few pictures will not be quite as sharp as in progress, just like this dresser build.

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    After a resaw took forever to complete, and all the squealing of the blade.....I went out today and bought a new blade for the saw.....80" long,6tpi. I am kind of limited on blade choices here. Either the ones at Lowes, 35+ miles to a Sears store.

    Mil. ID got me a 10% discount at Lowes. I also priced the lumber for the drawer parts.....YIKES!! Gold-plated Pine? I think I will give Menards some business when the drawers parts will be bought. No discount, but, much better prices..

    Need to get something done today, getting so attached to this computer chair, I may start putting down roots....

    Later, Gators...

  3. #48
    Let me know, I have some short pieces of pine in my off cut pile...

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    New blade is now on the saw. While taking the old blade off, I also found a chunk of a 1/4" wide blade, wedged in place.....
    Used the Stanley#358 to cut some blanks to size, from a 2x4. Made a bunch of resaws on the bandsaw today
    Now have two corner post cut, and one about done. I also got five more blanks resawn to size. Was able to try a chisel for a bit.
    But soon decided a Plan B was, I laid out where the rest of the rails will go
    I'll make a stopped dado where the tenon is, and wind up with the tenon flush to the sides of the corner post. Need to start with a few hand planes next, as I have a bunch of parts to joint and smooth out..
    And maybe get something built? Managed to get 2 hours in, will see IF I get back down there anymore today.....
    Last edited by steven c newman; 01-11-2017 at 4:46 PM.

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    IF there isn't a creek running through the shop ( had a Gulley-Washer of a T-Storm just roll through) I might get a bit more work done, after Lunch. O "Daylighted" the mortise, kept the scrap piece, and glued it in place. Rail now sits where it is suppose to go. I also chiseled out the nexr two stopped dados. So, for this morning's schedule of work...three more Dados need chopped out, 5 rails need planed S4S and the 45 ran along one edge. Well, maybe both edges on some. Second Stile needs S4S and the 45 ran along one edge. A rebate will also need to be done, to house the back of the dresser. Not sure how much will actually get done, but that is the plan.

    As Boris would tell Natasha: "Of course I have plan, they don't always work out, but, I always have plan"

  6. #51
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Kind of a long reply, might need to do goes ( I'm on Dinner Break)
    Made a few chips fly, today..
    Digging out to house some tenons...
    Why the space at the end? Well, when I trim the rail to fit..
    By clipping the corners. Then slide things together, and clip the stile side of the joint to match..
    Will take a bit more fitting. Not quite a Cope & Stick, but will do for now. Got a few parts done..
    But had to stop. needed to make one more rail.....
    And cut more tenons...
    Then decided to just grab the squares and a Stanley #5-1/2 plane, and surface the rest of the parts I had on hand.
    I WAS going to do the other corner post S4S ..but...decided to take a break instead. Maybe after supper?
    I can plane this 42-1/2" long plank down? Might take a while....stay tuned..

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    went to Menards today. I now have enough pieces to at least make the case. Not sure about the top, yet. Once the case is done, then I can start to build some drawers for it.

    Other supplies have been laid bottle of Elmer's, a few packs of screws, and a few packs of sandpaper, since they were on clearence. Might go and hide out in the shop, later today. May need an Olde Pharte Nap, first. Need to rest up, after all that shopping today.

  8. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by steven c newman View Post
    went to Menards today. I now have enough pieces to at least make the case. Not sure about the top, yet. Once the case is done, then I can start to build some drawers for it.

    Other supplies have been laid bottle of Elmer's, a few packs of screws, and a few packs of sandpaper, since they were on clearence. Might go and hide out in the shop, later today. May need an Olde Pharte Nap, first. Need to rest up, after all that shopping today.
    Again, keep us posted with pics. Andrew P should be sending you a PM, going to try to ahve a Columbus Neadner get together next weekend.

  9. #54
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Right now, I'm just muddling along. Shopping trips today for supplies. May have gotten one whole hour down in the shop today..
    jointer plane.JPG
    Jointer plane to smooth out corner post number 2. Then a little work with the sash cutter..
    stanley 45.JPG
    Got the corner post all set for dado work..
    clamped up.JPG
    And transferred all the markings to the new board..
    lay outs.JPG
    I also finished up the rail work on corner post number 1. Next, I have to mark the tenons on the rails where they go on the #2 post...
    laid out parts.JPG
    Spent some time at the bandsaw, trying out a jig for the resaws. A tune up was also needed. Seemed to work better than before...
    resaw cut.JPG
    Jig is just a 1x6, with a point cut on the end, point goes right at the tooth line..
    tooth line.JPG
    And...maybe someday, I'll get good at doing these cope joints...
    maybe..someday. used a junior jack plane to shoot some end grain..

  10. #55
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    As for that Junior Jack plane?
    junior jack.JPG
    Millers falls No.11.....the angled cut is for a foot detail on the bottom of the corner posts.
    Saw left a lot of saw marks, and wasn't quite straight. Stanley #60-1/2 tried to correct it, but chattered a bit
    foot detail.JPG
    Now smooth as glass. Just enough weight to the Junior jack, no chatter.
    the resaws today were to make the last of the rails. Still need to cut and resaw the other two corner posts. I intend to at least get ONE side completely done, before doing the other side. Bought a bunch of 1x2s today, to build webframes and face frame parts with. "Kickers" will come from scraps that are being resawn off. Picked up a few packs of 3/4" long screws, and a new bottle of glue. hate to get halfway through a glue up, and run out of glue.....

    maybe when I roll out of bed in the morning, I can wander down to the shop...and at least try to get something done? We'll see.....

  11. #56
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Well, I AM up and moving around.....still not fully awake. Maybe after a Mountain Dew, I might head to the shop......what's for Breakfast?

    Looking like a lot of chisel work to be done today. May have to strop the chisel beforehand....

    We'll see how this goes, today.

  12. #57
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Well, 4 hours in the shop. Had to chop out 6 places to house the rails in
    Once I got all of the spots chopped out, I could do a little assembly work..
    Had one "bad spot" to work on..
    Of all the places those knots could go...why here?
    Sharp chisel, and a good backsaw. Not worried about that overcut, as that area will be removed, anyway.

    Screws and glue to assemble, had to clamp things tight, and still had a few gaps.
    Figured out a couple rails were trimmed a bit too much. Will correct for that on the other side's build. Plywood panels are just sitting in place, no glue or fasteners, yet.

    I am plain tuckered out...

  13. #58
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    IF I can find Mr. Gumption today.......I might start in on the other side of this dresser build. Have to keep an eye on the rails this time, as two shrunk on me on the last set. Trim here, trim there..sort of thing. Once they are all made, no more trimming will be done. Will try to get 6 rails all the exact same length.

    For the Crew from Columbus,OH....any saturday is fine with me.

  14. #59
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Since this is getting a bit long-winded, I'll be starting a new one, mainly for the dresser build part of the remodel. Until I can complete the dresser build, I can't get rid of the old dryer. So, I had better get busy...
    Thanks for following along on this long-winded story....

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