Well, finished except for two side panels, but Lynndy has given me time off to build a piece of furniture

This post is to conclude what I started, for those interested in kitchen builds ... and, I guess, woodwork. The earlier posts I made - about building Shaker-style doors, and hand finishing them in water-based poly - are on my website for reference: http://www.inthewoodshop.com/Furnitu...20Rebuild.html

The original kitchen was 25 years old and tired. Even more tired was the fidge-freezer, which we bought 35 years ago. It needed to be replaced. The new fridge was wider and a touch taller than the old. The problem was that the alcove into which it was built had a cabinet above, and changing this cabinet meant changing the door … and it would not be possible to match the Tasmanian Oak to blend in with all the other cabinet doors and drawers.

So we needed new cabinet doors and drawer fronts … and then it became a new countertop in granite … and then a more modern range hood ... and the gas hob would be replaced with a fancy-shmancy ceramic electric one that Lynndy has been eyeing for a long time.

Lynndy wanted modern and light. And so the cabinet design would be Shaker and in Hard Maple (from the USA - my local wood salvage supplier had just received a large shipment).

I think that Lynndy planned this all along.

The old kitchen ...

With tiles stripped and a few cabinets removed ...

The countertop was replaced with granite ...

Yes, bar stools are on my build bucket list

The backsplash is now a light green glass. And the new range hood ...

Some of the drawers ...

... and doors ...

The new (bloody ... mutter .. mutter ..) fridge ...

LED lighting fitted under one cabinet ...

A few doors close up ...

Last picture ...

Regards from Perth
