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Thread: Getting paid for something big?

  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Marc Jeske View Post
    Very good responses so far.

    Cash only, meet in Police Parking lot where the cops park and are milling about, go in w him and have the Desk guy photocopy his ID, scrutinize the Bills, stash in your pocket, THEN go out and put in his truck.

    Not knowing where you live, how this prospect learned of the boat, etc... that's what I would do.

    If the buyer has ANY problem w ANY of those steps, FORGET him. Marc
    Meeting in a police parking lot might not be a bad idea, but I would be very surprised if the seller agreed to this, and equally disappointed in anyone in the office made a copy of the seller's ID. This information on an ID card is protected under the Privacy Act and the police would not have any authority to collect it. Since the sale is a civil issue, there is no reason for law enforcement to be involved. As a former Deputy Sheriff, if you asked me to do this, you would receive a polite "no".

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Monroe, MI
    I doubt they'd copy the ID but there are several PD's around here that actually encourage using their lobbies as a meeting point. I use a busy local grocery store and park by the busy street out front.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    TX / LA border.. Toledo Bend
    " I would be very surprised if the seller agreed to this"

    What --- normal person would have a problem with that ??

    The photocopying, that's potentially difficult, is more subject to the guy just getting out of school w everything by the book, or a typically old timer w some common street sense that understands reality in the World.

    Kinda like asking to taste something at a hot deli - An intelligent server, that has possibly even had Bus 101 in their past, will gladly give you a taste, realizing it is the overall wise thing to increase sales ( assuming the sampled product is desirable).

    Another, just hired 15 yr old brought up on twitter and video games, will look at you like a deer into headlights, and if you ask again, will go have to find her manager.

    "Whatever". Marc
    Last edited by Jim Becker; 08-04-2017 at 1:53 PM. Reason: language

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Marc Jeske View Post
    " I would be very surprised if the seller agreed to this"

    What --- normal person would have a problem with that ??

    Ugh...I made some edits to my reply as I was typing and didn't go back to fix the beginning. What I meant to write is in the underlined section.

    "Meeting in a police parking lot might not be a bad idea, but I would be very surprised if the seller agreed to give a copy of his or her ID, and equally disappointed in anyone in the office made a copy of the seller's ID. This information on an ID card is protected under the Privacy Act and the police would not have any authority to collect it. Since the sale is a civil issue, there is no reason for law enforcement to be involved. As a former Deputy Sheriff, if you asked me to do this, you would receive a polite "no"."
    Last edited by Jim Becker; 08-04-2017 at 1:53 PM.

  5. #35
    Join Date
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    TX / LA border.. Toledo Bend
    I believe I originally read your edited version, and if not, I DO now understand all your delineated points.

    My response stands as it was.

    Once I move to Iran, Iraq, or some "stan" place, or where the Chubby Little faced Boy w the missile program rules, Then I will change the response. Marc
    Last edited by Marc Jeske; 08-03-2017 at 5:26 PM.

  6. #36
    Join Date
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    Central MA
    Quote Originally Posted by Marc Jeske View Post
    I believe I originally read your edited version, and if not, I DO now understand all your delineated points.

    My response stands as it was. Marc
    If someone asked for my ID in return for the privilege of handing them $3000 I'd tell them to go jump in a lake. A cash deal requires trust by both parties, either you're good with it or your not.

  7. #37
    Join Date
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    TX / LA border.. Toledo Bend
    In a world w counterfeit bills ?

    To simply photocopy their licence ?

    And further, at a Police station.... not at my home Meth lab w numerous skinny boned 80 lb women laying about passed out ?

    OK, to each his own, I'd be OK w it.

    And, WHAT if there is no nearby Lake ?? Marc
    Last edited by Marc Jeske; 08-03-2017 at 5:39 PM.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Central MA
    If they are passing counterfeit bills don't you think they probably have a fake ID to go with them? Seriously, I buy and sell all the time and some of the ideas in this thread are rediculous. If you're worried about fake bills go to staples and get one of the magic ink pens to check them. I have people I don't know at my house at least monthly buying stuff and I've never had a single issue. All I do to protect myself is discretely take a pic of their license plate just in case they decide to come back when I'm not around.

  9. #39
    Join Date
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    TX / LA border.. Toledo Bend
    NOTHING NOTHING in this thread is "Ridiculous" if one studies it and learns what VERY often happens in a Fallen World.

    If someone has a fake ID, well, Duhhhh.. they probably don't want it copied especially at a Police Station.

    So , the question of to deal w them or not is answered.

    Where do you figure there is a mandate that they need to do both simultaneously - Have a fake ID, AND have bad bills ?

    "Night and Day thinking"

    Google it.

    In all cases, not wanting to meet at a Station, and not giving ID for your records, means something is awry.

    Possibly just "Big Brother" paranoia, but something of some sort anyway.

    "Normal" psychologically healthy and legally and financially solid people generally at least have no problem w this.

    READ that again.

    Some post above commented on "Privacy Issues"

    Then says, too tired at this point to delineate the responses, see, you DO then take a pic of License.

    Don't you know that is breaking "Privacy Laws" ???????

    Privacy Laws my Butt, in the good old days, BEFORE privacy laws, kids going to school carried pocket knives, and some, in rural areas, even brought their .22 Rifle to Squirrel hunt on way home.

    Privacy Laws................................... "Whatever".

    Like if you truly examine what you sign when you pick up
    Prescriptions at your Pharmacy, it is NOT "Privacy" at all.

    It is ---...READ the fine print.

    You are in fact signing AWAY your privacy.

    But, it is sugarcoated to make you think you are RETAINING your privacy.

    Since WHEN do you mandated NEED to sign for privacy ??

    Google it, the "Magic"pens are not foolproof, some scammers have figured PAST those.

    And scammers abound.

    I have had experience w this crap when my young newbie 15 yr old Son tried to sell a $2K video camera on Ebay.

    People that have a problem meeting at a Police station, or showing their ID to be copied, DO have some sort of problem , if only just paranoia.

    If someone has a fake ID, well, Duhhhh.. they probably don't want it copied especially at a Police Station.

    --- them anyway, you don't need a nutcase buyer.

    There are levels of everything in life, NOT always Black and White.

    Whatever makes you comfortable.

    As I said.... "Whatever".... I'm Totally done with this thread.

    If someone thinks I'm Nuts, I don't care.

    OMG, we are talking about $3K here, NOT a $20 router bit, and hopefully Normal credible sane honest buyers, while weeding out the Scammers (that abound if you study it) and Nutjobs.

    Rant over, Marc
    Last edited by Jim Becker; 08-04-2017 at 1:55 PM. Reason: language

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Medina Ohio
    Around here the police encourage using their parking lot for Craigs list deals.

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    One tactic I've used when selling vehicles is to meet the buyer at my local bank for the final transaction. There I deposit his/her cash into my account (now the bank is repsonsible for forged bills they missed) while I wait for the bank notary to complete the vehicle title transfer document. I also ask for earnest money of several hundred dollars to hold the item (if not completed the same day) . Both buyer and seller sign a contract written in plain English that clearly states the terms and conditions for both the earnest money and final sale trasactions (that way there are no misunderstandings). It is not perfect but I try to keep things open and honest.

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Upstate NY
    Transaction went fine. He drove 300 miles to pick the boat up, but it turns out my son knows his daughtor's roommate.

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