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Thread: Websites

  1. #1


    Can anyone tell me a good website company to use to build my own website on. I was going to use WIX but then I started reading the reviews and backed out of that. Any ideas, anyone?

    Thanks, Zelma
    God Bless,
    James & Zelma (Psalm 18:2)
    "Inscriptions Of The Heart"
    ~A person is only as good as their word~

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    NW Arkansas
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    I've used Wix for past year. No issues as far as use, Canned layouts are ok, you can do your own site entirely on your own if you want. My only issue is speed, but it is on MY end, not theirs.
    Woodworking, Old Tools and Shooting
    Ray Fine RF-1390 Laser Ray Fine 20watt Fiber Laser
    SFX 50 Watt Fiber Laser
    PM2000, Delta BS, Delta sander, Powermatic 50 jointer,
    Powermatic 100-12 planer, Rockwell 15-126 radial drill press
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    Jet JWS18, bandsaw Carbide Create CNC, RIA 22TCM 1911s and others

  3. #3
    I have started a webpage with WIX and I LOVE it but before putting my cc in I decided to read the reviews, now I am a little apprehensive. Although now I am looking for a site that has similar options, I am not finding anything close to theirs.
    God Bless,
    James & Zelma (Psalm 18:2)
    "Inscriptions Of The Heart"
    ~A person is only as good as their word~

  4. #4
    What are you looking for? Do you want a shopping cart on your web site so you can sell products, or do you just want to display information and graphics?

    Are you looking for someone to host your domain and you build do your own website so you maintain the control?
    I read recipes the same way I read science fiction. I get to the end and I think, "Well, that’s not going to happen."

  5. #5
    Yes to shopping cart and selling products. I have a website so I will be looking at transferring my domain, and yes I want to build the website and keep control, just not sure where.
    Last edited by James & Zelma Litzmann; 11-27-2017 at 3:53 PM.
    God Bless,
    James & Zelma (Psalm 18:2)
    "Inscriptions Of The Heart"
    ~A person is only as good as their word~

  6. #6
    I read recipes the same way I read science fiction. I get to the end and I think, "Well, that’s not going to happen."

  7. #7
    Shopify and Big Cartel would be a good place to start.

  8. #8
    I did, thank you for showing that to me.
    God Bless,
    James & Zelma (Psalm 18:2)
    "Inscriptions Of The Heart"
    ~A person is only as good as their word~

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Boone, NC
    Since you specify that you want a shopping cart, I agree with Matt regarding Shopify. It is simple to develop a modest (even fairly flashy/sophisticated) shopping site with it. I am not knocking Wix. It is great at what it does. However, shopping was an afterthought for Wix's infrastructure. I strongly urge anyone developing a site, where its primary purpose is ecommerce, to build the site on a provider like Shopify that focuses on exactly that. Shopify and its competitors have an enormous amount of shopping tools/capabilities built in that you likely won't even know you may need until you use it and discover new needs as you go/grow. Best of luck.
    VLS4.60 30W

  10. #10
    I don't know the details of your company, but for a small to medium sized business, my vote would also be Shopify. I've built several test stores on there and it is very intuitive. One of the biggest advantages of Shopify is how many people that use it for eCommerce already. For almost any problem you have, somebody has already had that problem, fixed it, and then made a video of it. For the lowest tier pricing, you can get a lot of value. Shopify will also allow you to grow your site as your business does with the endless plug-ins. At the very least, I would use the free trial to give it a go and see how you like it.

    NOTE - The company I work for is currently building a website using Magento. Magento is great if you have a lot of web development skill, and time to invest in it. I personally don't, but we have an IT team that is building it for us.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Grand Rapids, Minnesota
    Here’s my two-cents regarding using a “shopping cart function” on an engraving business website.
    Would seem that a “shopping cart function” has ‘lot to do with the types of products/services you’re offering?
    Fact that just ‘bout all of my products are customized, or personalized, I couldn’t see where a “click to order function” would work for me - without the rigmarole of including an on-line way for customers to pick ‘n relay their choice of fonts, font sizes, ‘n other info needed to place an order.
    Plus, as I looked into this, it became evident that it’d be necessary for me to constantly be maintaining (hidden) data files of each ‘n every item, size, and color I offered - for the “cart ordering” to work. I tried doing this, at one point, but quickly found myself caught-up spending more time working on my site, than I did engraving.
    So, I brought things down to a Dull-Roar! Customers visiting my site simply find what they want, jot down the details, and e-mail, or phone, me with their orders. (this way gives me ‘chance to build a “relationship” with the customer, too.)
    BTW: the program I use was available thru my hosting provider - free of charge - thru my C-Panel - called RVSitebuilder. - was easy to figure out. I’m able to make changes, or additions, to my site within minutes!
    Customers e-mailing, or calling, seems to work for me! BILL
    (Using Epilog 35W Mini 24)

  12. #12
    All these sites, unless you are happy with adverts on the free versions, have a monthly subscription.

    I use Opencart, which is totally free, yes there are paid themes and modules, but I have never had to use them, what modules and themes I use were also free and I’m pretty pleased with how the site looks and performs and my customers seem to like it too. I sell my laser products as a micro business in my spare time so I need to keep my costs low. My costs for hosting run to around £25.00 per year. I would put a link to my site, but I don’t think that’s allowed.
    Shenhui SG350 fitted with a 60w tube.
    Aeon Nova 10 100w tube.
    Aeon Mira 5030 30w RF tube.
    20w Fiber Laser.
    50w Fiber Laser.
    Located in the Isle of Man, which isn't in the UK but almost surrounded by it.

  13. #13
    Shopify is probably the best for your average Joe, but be prepared to spend more than whatever they advertise on their site. The site lacks a lot of features which require you to spend monthly on add on options.

    Want to have a box where people can input engraving? Need to spend $15/mo for an add on.

    Want to have more than 2-3 drop downs? Need to spend $12/mo for an add on.

    Want to have a place where a customer can upload a file? Need to spend $10/mo for an add on.

    The benefit is a more streamlined, integrated system, which is naturally optimized to draw traffic in.
    Equipment: IS400, IS6000, VLS 6.60, LS100, HP4550, Ricoh GX e3300n, Hotronix STX20
    Software: Adobe Suite & Gravostyle 5
    Business: Trophy, Awards and Engraving

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Cleveland OH
    I would go with Shopify - We have several sites with them and they have a huge community of programmers adding new addon features every day (They cost a few dollars but automation is key in E commerce). We have tried a few other companies but they all never made me feel the WOW Factor. We do a large amount of revenue with them and payment is always sent to my bank the next day. Try there 30 day free trail and see if you feel comfortable with there setup.

    If you do go with Shopify there standard layouts are kinda generic (Like Most Companies) Plan on spending a few hundred on premium website layout, good products are key but a good looking and easy to use website is just as important.
    3X Camfive 1200 48" x 24" 100watt Tube
    Zcorp 450 3d Printer
    Laguna Smartshop 2 - 4x8 ATC

  15. #15
    I have used weebly for that past few years. No issues. Beeh easy to use.

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