It depends on a number of factors.

Will you be starting with milled lumber or rough sawn stock? If rough stock, then in addition to a smoothing plane, it might be handy to have a jack or a jointer. For your planes and chisels you will need some honing and sharpening capability.

What do you have in way of a work surface\bench?

Are you going to have to glue up boards for the top? There's an old wood working adage that you can never have too many clamps.

Those of us who've been at it for a while take for granted that we have measuring tools, marking tools, drills, clamps, work surfaces, vises, mallets ...

Depending on what your starting point is, an end table may not be the logical next project. It may be that you need to build a saw bench or a work surface with some basic work holding options. You might checkout Vic Tesolin's "The Minimalist Woodworker".

Tom Fidgen has a number of books, You Tube videos, and runs a school in Toronto. His book the Unplugged Woodshop has plans for a Sawyer's Bench.

If you share a bit more about your current kit, you might get more specific suggestions as to where to go next. I like the suggestion of using draw bore joinery as it reduces the need for clamps. Hope this helps.