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Thread: Hummingbirds stuck in shop - Ideas ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    TX / LA border.. Toledo Bend

    Hummingbirds stuck in shop - Ideas ?

    So when the overhead doors are open, sometime Hummingbirds come in.

    Two more tonight will bite the dust... was not able to lure them to leave before I had to close up shop.

    They seem to know that the Sky is always open above them, so they fly around up against the ceiling, not dipping down to o'head door level to escape.

    Unfortunately, after a few hours of this, often also bound up by ceiling spiderwebs, their brief energy is spent and they slowly fall to floor in shop.

    I try to watch them and still be around to then pick them up, VERY delicately lick off the spiderwebs, bring outside, try to refresh them w sprinkle of plain water in my hand.

    Usually after a few minutes of that they revive and fly off, hopefully to get some nutrition for energy closeby.

    Our closest feeder is 30' from the shop o'head doors.

    Other times, I am unable to wait for them to fall, or can't find them once they do, very sad for me to see such a glorious Creature to succumb.

    Sometime it works to temporarily hang a red feeder in the o'head door opening to lead them "out", but usually not.

    And, in a previous shop w skylights, fuggedaboutit.

    So, I'm thinking of cutting a small escape door in gable end of shop up high as possible controlled w like a rope/ pulley.

    With that, seeing as how my shop has NO light input other than electric lighting, I could shut everything down, and the only light they will see is outside this escape door that is up high. just below the "ceiling".

    Maybe also add a small light outside when they come in in evening.

    What experiences/ suggestions/ methods might you Guys have ?

    Last edited by Marc Jeske; 05-02-2018 at 9:38 PM.
    I'm pretty new here, not as as experienced as most. Please don't hesitate to correct me

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Meridian, ID
    wow, you go above and beyond to lick off the spiderwebs!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    TX / LA border.. Toledo Bend
    First, years ago tried to pulloff dry w fingers.. WAYY to much adhesion, could hurt the Bird.

    So somehow it went to the licking off, seems to work pretty good.

    I'm pretty new here, not as as experienced as most. Please don't hesitate to correct me

  4. #4
    Marc, thanks for your efforts. I would contact a wild life conservation group for more sugestions.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Marc Jeske View Post
    So somehow it went to the licking off, seems to work pretty good.

    By licking off, you mean lightly wiping with a damp cloth, right? Because that would have the same effect without the weirdness.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    TX / LA border.. Toledo Bend
    Ya, I hear that.

    I'm pretty sure there isn't a Norman Bates thing going here, it was just more available than the cloth, and I am more concerned about the animal rather than any squeamishness or proper propriety on my part.

    Let's get over that , if we can, and focus on a solution.

    You have probably licked worse things in your time, and if not, I'm sorry.

    Let's move on.

    Thank you, Marc
    Last edited by Marc Jeske; 05-03-2018 at 12:59 AM.
    I'm pretty new here, not as as experienced as most. Please don't hesitate to correct me

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Cambridge Vermont
    One year the wife planted a bunch of dahlias near the doors to my garage. After several humming birds got stuck inside I realized that they were seeing the reflection of the flowers in the glass on the doors. It was a hot summer having to keep them closed but it was a lesson learned. I found that after a short period of time they tire and I could take a 12' long piece of scrap wood and hold the end near them. Sooner or later they would stand on the stick and then I could lower it down. I ended up keeping sugar water on hand as they can't go very long without feeding. My best advise is to look around outside and see if there's something attracting them. The other flying creatures (both birds and bats) just get a window left open.

  8. #8
    Turn the lights off, open anything that goes outside. I get birds all the time, I feel bad when it's a hummingbird for some reason.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I'll second Martin's reply, I get a few every season and this works every time.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    "Licking a bird"? Ok...yeah probably shut all lights and open the doors

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Frankfort, KY
    Does the garage door have an emergency release? If so, what color is it? I had a release that had a big red knob on the end of it and I saw hummers swoop in to check it out a couple of times. I spooked them before the could get in and get stuck, fortunately. If yours is red, maybe change the color of it. Good luck.
    It's called golf because all the other 4-letter words were taken

  12. #12
    I have had good luck reviving hummers that get stuck inside by holding them on the feeder, beak engaged.

    As soon as their blood sugar comes back up they fly off.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    E TN, near Knoxville
    Quote Originally Posted by Martin Wasner View Post
    Turn the lights off, open anything that goes outside. I get birds all the time, I feel bad when it's a hummingbird for some reason.
    Same here - turn off all the lights, open the doors. If it's not bright outside put a bright lamp outside the door.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    TX / LA border.. Toledo Bend
    About the Licking - The Tongue is WAY more sensitive to feel than the hand or fingers.

    Think about the last time you had a TINY glass or steel sliver in a finger...The exact location was WAY easier to find w your tongue.

    With these birds, the spider web material adheres like crazy.. Pulling it off w fingers.. you cannot tell if you are harming the birds joints.

    AND, saliva provides a much more suspending liquid than water, to prevent re adhesion.

    Anyway, that's a basic explanation.

    Last edited by Marc Jeske; 05-04-2018 at 10:44 PM.
    I'm pretty new here, not as as experienced as most. Please don't hesitate to correct me

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    I have had some luck with turning all the inside lights out and putting red flowers in a pot on a table (or as high as you can get them) just outside the door and then leaving the garage for awhile. Some of them a smart enough to figure it out and some aren't. They remain panicky if you are still in the garage and moving around.

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