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Thread: Stock feeder

  1. #1

    Stock feeder

    I’m building a stock feeder for the router table. Using a piece ov maple for the roller bearing block. What angle should the rollers be to force the stock into the fence? Is it better to angle the holes in the block or angle whole block. How much spring down pressure is needed? Thanks Dan

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    New Westminster BC
    I, for one cannot understand what you are describing, maybe post a sketch to illustrate your idea.

  3. #3
    It’s just a standard stock feeder that you can buy from several companies for $1000 give or take. I don’t have that kind of $ to buy one for this job. I’m going to make backsplash for the kitchen using a wainscoting type out of cherry. Rail and pannel . The issue is I have a couple of hundred feet of stock to run through smoothly .arthrites makes that hard to do for me.
    There are several articles on building these but little detail . I’ll post picks as I progress with this project in case someone else wants to build one. Mine will not be too adjustable and set for 3/4 stock give or take. Dan

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Modesto, CA, USA
    What motor and how will you attach the rollers. Or do you mean a set of spring loaded fingers with no moving parts?
    Bill D.

  5. #5
    Something like a feather board but with rollers (bearings) instead. Maybe a variation on this.

  6. #6
    Moter in a standard ac1650 rpm . Drive will be three #25sprockets w/ chain. Rollers are hard rubber (hockey pucks) bearings for the rollers will be a block of birds eye maple spring loaded. I have a small reduction unit to go between the two. Pretty straight forward stuff. Just curious about the angle of the rollers? I’ll get some pics as soon as I get it along far enough. Got to run the sawmill for a day or two first. Dan

  7. #7
    Boy was I off.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Bloomington, IL
    Lightweight and hockey puck hard rubber sounds like they will easily slip. Try and prevent that. Also 1650 rpm, what rpm will the hocky pucks spin at?

    15 degrees is more than enough for my wheels and weight 1hp 4 wheel. Your design will have its own requirements.
    Glad its my shop I am responsible for - I only have to make me happy.

  9. #9
    Mike I was thinking on 5 deg to start with. My stock will only be about an inch wide so no weight to contend with. Surface feet per minute is probably what I’m looking for on the stock. Lot of variables involved in that. Sharp cutter etc. haven’t got all my parts yet . My gear box is 25 to1 , drive wheels are 3” sprockets are about 2.5”. My hockey puck drive wheels will have to be trued up after I drill them for the axles and I though I would leave them rough off the tool post grinder. Or glue some sandpaper on them? Just have to play with that I guess. Dan

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Northern Virginia
    Blog Entries
    Sounds interesting, and like a lot of work. You might want to look at the king (vintage) feeder for inspiration.
    Also have you considered the baby or 1/4hp feeders they are a lot cheaper than the full size and would work well on a router table.

    King feeder

  11. #11
    Mine is similar to the king feeder only simpler. I’ve forgotten how to post pics. Made the rollers out of wood and plan to stretch a rubber band over them. I’m kinda slow on it. Running som artwork on the Cnc and working on it in between .dan

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