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Thread: So What's this Weekend Accomplishments "thing"....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Conway, Arkansas

    So What's this Weekend Accomplishments "thing"....

    Greetings to all my friends and neighbors at SMC.

    I've been seeing some hints about the "Weekend Accomplishments" posts that I do each Monday morning and wondering "what is it all about?".
    Well, here goes nuttin'.......

    A long time ago, there was a woodworking forum called "Badger Pond". All of us on Badger Pond called ourselve "Ponders". Badger Pond was an experiment belonging to Mr. Wayne Miller, who used to be a forum moderator on Compuserve years ago in the Crafts/Woodworking section of Compuserve. Without getting too much into details here, I'll simply stick to a quick summary of history.

    Badger Pond was around for several years and was well known for being a highly moderated, but yet friendly place to share and learn all about Woodworking. Each Thursday or Friday, I'd see people posting about plans for woodworking for the up and coming weekend. The idea hit me to see if other people were like me.....making plans for woodworking over the weekend but never really getting "around to it" for one reason or another. So-o-o-o, I started YEARS ago, posting on Monday mornings the "Weekend Accomplishments".

    The Weekend Accomplishments proved to be a very good tool for bringing people together more closely than the usual "Hi how ya doin', kinda thing", and invited folks to step in the water just a tad-bit deeper to share a little more about themselves and if they got any woodworking done over the weekend or not. Many didn't get to do much woodworking, while others cranked it out over the weekend, while the remainder of folks simply got to work on the "honey do" list.

    This began to be a fun post for many, as it was a time to post what you "thought" you'd get to do over the weekend verses what you "got to do" over the weekend as it either directly related to woodworking or not. A little "share" time as it were then and still is today. We all learn a little more about each other as each Weekend Accomlishments is posted and we have a friendly opportunity to share a little more about our selves and our hopes for shop time over the weekend.

    For a while Mr. Bob Lasley, no longer on any WW forum, used to post on Friday's as a complimentary post to the Weekend Accomplishments the "Weekend Doins" post what you have planned to do over the weekend. Everyone got to see in the Weekend Accomplishments if you got to do what you had planned to do or not. Some were really funny, while others showed real planning and goal oriented weekends.

    You learn about "people" this way. It helps to develop camaraderie, opens lines of communications for those that are shy, draws people together in general, and allows each of us to share each others lives to a point without getting overly involved.

    Look at all the "friendships" that have developed because of the itty-bitty Weekend Accomplishments, the stir of people wanting to get together via a local BBQ, travel and meeting a various woodworking shows. Either directly or indirectly, the Weekend Accomplishments has had some kind of venue that helped to tie people and fellow woodworkers together in a non-threatening manner and in neutral territory.

    So today? The Weekend Accomplishments lives on. Badger Pond shutdown, and Keith, Jackie, and Aaron started up SMC, and the Weekend Accomplishments moved from the Badger Pond to SMC.

    So com'on.......let's get onboard with the Weekend Accomplishments.!!!!

    It's all about: Family, Friends, Neighbors, and Buddies.....all sharing things about their lives and about our favorite hobby: Woodworking
    Thanks & Happy Wood Chips,
    Dennis -
    Get the Benefits of Being an SMC Contributor..!
    ....DEBT is nothing more than yesterday's spending taken from tomorrow's income.

  2. #2
    I wasn't on the Badger Pond very much cause everytime I tried to post there the moderator didn't like what I had to say. So I just read what was happening. I lost out on where everyone went when it shut down and didn't find this site until not too long ago.

    I find myself waiting for you to post the Weekend accomplishments thread each Monday to see what is up and where. I for one enjoy seeing what everyone else is up to.

    So I'll get on board with Dennis to tell everyone to chime in and let us hear about the "doins" of the weekend.
    Just keep working on it. It'll give up and do right after a while.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    SE PA - Central Bucks County
    I'll second Jim on the sentiment...I always enjoy the Weekend Accomplishments thread a whole bunch because it's truly a community thread. (And a nice place to hide small goats and projects...and see if anyone notices...LOL!)

    The most expensive tool is the one you buy "cheaply" and often...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Corinth Texas


    I have not been a member here ( but a short time ) Because of a move 3 years ago ,new city,new job.I have not had my shop set up, But my interest was still there,I found SMC and joined,One of the threads that I enjoyed was the weekend accomplishments,simply because I had no shop ,but everyone else was doing woodworking So i got my woodworking FIX,by reading what everyone else was doing.I should have my shop up and running by Spring,I have a new mm16 to pick up on the 18th.So keep The Doin's going,It helps the ones that lack only the shop, not the interest. Butch

    Pics will come

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Lewiston, Idaho
    I'm with the above posters! It's a neat way to see what others are doing and to socialize!

    So much to learn, so little time.....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I think I was actually "banned for life" on the badger pond forum...imagine this day i have no idea what i did or said...but I sure upset someone So I have always keep that in the back of my mind whereever i for weekend accomplishments....its one of my first reads....thanks for keeping it going!!!

  7. #7
    Dennis, I enjoy and appreciate the Weekend Accomplishments threads. I never saw the Weekend Doin's threads...they werre before my time here, but they seem like they'd be a fun addition.

    I also think at least one of the "hints" you might be referring to was actually tongue in cheek, poking fun at those of us who actually have to keep track of the days of the week. (At least that's how I read it.) There may be other hints you've seen that I haven't, but in at least one instance I think humor was the intent.

    - Vaughn

  8. #8
    Great post and reminder Dennis. I have been slacking and will work toward contributing weekly to this thread in the future.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Conway, Arkansas
    Quote Originally Posted by Vaughn McMillan
    Dennis, I enjoy and appreciate the Weekend Accomplishments threads. I never saw the Weekend Doin's threads...they werre before my time here, but they seem like they'd be a fun addition.

    I also think at least one of the "hints" you might be referring to was actually tongue in cheek, poking fun at those of us who actually have to keep track of the days of the week. (At least that's how I read it.) There may be other hints you've seen that I haven't, but in at least one instance I think humor was the intent.

    - Vaughn
    Sorry Vaughn....I wasn't really trying to poke fun at anybody and if I "sounded" as if I was, I'm sorry to anyone who feels that I was poking at them. Clearly not my intention at all. I'm a peacemaker at heart and love to see a bunch of woodworkers having a good time, sharing with each other, and building matter how distant they are by geographical location.

    I don't know Vaughn....maybe I'm just "driving blindly along" with each Monday, but the Weekend Accomlishments helps me to mark the start of each week by reading what all my fellow ww'ing buddies did or didn't do over their weekend. It's all just fun for me and I love to read what everyone is up to.
    Thanks & Happy Wood Chips,
    Dennis -
    Get the Benefits of Being an SMC Contributor..!
    ....DEBT is nothing more than yesterday's spending taken from tomorrow's income.

  10. #10
    Dennis, I have never had to wonder what the thread is all about, it speaks for itself. Even though I normally do not post on it as I read it on Monday morning and barely have time to read it at work but never have a chance to post, I enjoy reading the thread. Always worth the time.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    panama city fl

    sorry about the confusion

    Dennis......I was trying to be humorous and apparently failed..I personally enjoy the monday threads involving what everyone does. I am in the process of setting up shop after a move and not getting much shop time in except setup and rewiring etc.. So........I don't have anything to contribute right now and was just trying to join in with a frivilous question. I am retired/disabled and time really means nothing to me. weekends are just another day in the week, so i was being a bit of a smart alec with my question..By all means keep this thread going .....The reason I joined this forum is threads like that by all the great people an this site. I will label any further attemps at humor to avoid any confusion in the future

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Dennis Peacock
    Sorry Vaughn....I wasn't really trying to poke fun at anybody and if I "sounded" as if I was, I'm sorry to anyone who feels that I was poking at them...
    Dennis, ol' buddy, you misread me, too. I wasn't sayin' you were poking fun at anybody...I was trying to say someone (Doug, to be specific...see the post above) was pulling your leg about needing to keep track of the days of the week. Doug 'splains it above just the way I was interpreting it. I'm sure nobody here questions the Weekend Accomplishments tradition. Heck, it just comes with the SMC package. A whole passel of us look forward to seeing it every week. What's to debate?

    - Vaughn

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Conway, Arkansas
    Vaughn and Doug,

    Thanks for splainin' thangs a bit better. I feel more gooder now.

    I'm hoping to have sumpin' extree spayshial to post on next weeks thread. Wonder what it could be.?
    Thanks & Happy Wood Chips,
    Dennis -
    Get the Benefits of Being an SMC Contributor..!
    ....DEBT is nothing more than yesterday's spending taken from tomorrow's income.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Charleston, South Carolina
    Dennis, the "Weekend Accomplishement" thread that you start every Monday morning is like my coffee for the week. Provides tips, ideas and some humor. Keep up the good work and sorry for not participating more...I will fix that issue

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    SE PA - Central Bucks County
    Perhaps someone could volunteer to be the new "lead" for revival of the "Weekend Doings" thread on Fridays? Sounds like a nice way to get the community charged up with "coming events".

    The most expensive tool is the one you buy "cheaply" and often...

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