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Thread: A different side of COVID-19 pandemic

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Waterford, PA

    A different side of COVID-19 pandemic

    As some you you may be aware, I'm involved in a small (tiny) machine shop. We closed per the PA order, and were immediately taken to task by several of our customers. With their support, we applied for and obtained permission to re-open to produce their critical component parts. Let me say, it is a challenge. Firstly, we are trying desperately to keep all of our employees safe and healthy. All office personnel are working either staggered shifts or from home, depending on their duties. Shop floor employees are practicing social distancing and are not permitted in the break room, restrooms or other common areas at the same time. Outside delivery personnel may not enter the building. Too this end, everyone is being cooperative and supportive of the goal.

    Our customers are placing orders for triple and quadruple the normal quantities and we are running lots of overtime trying to meet their needs. Unfortunately, it is very difficult obtaining raw materials, specialized secondary operations etc, as many of those businesses and/or their suppliers did not obtain waivers to continue operating. Additionally, as other vendors to these customers are closed, we're receiving purchase orders for parts we haven't produced for years. All of this is good . . . but oh the stress.

    Just thought maybe others would like to see a different side of COVID-19.

    Be Safe.

  2. #2
    "It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good."

    Good luck and stay healthy.

    Go into the world and do well. But more importantly, go into the world and do good.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Somewhere in the Land of Lincoln
    Sounds like a situation where business is to good. Hope that you can keep the raw materials coming that you need to keep operating. Seems like suppliers not applying for a waiver to continue operating aren't interested in continuing in business. Understandably not every business is essential but it seems evident which ones would be. Each state has set it's own rules which is okay I guess. Nothing has changed for my work. Critical infrastructure so I continue to go do my job as I did in normal times. Most businesses are still open here. Who knew marijuana dispensaries were essential? Hope things continue to work out for you Lisa. Stay safe and most of all healthy.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Upstate NY
    Beats the heck out of the alternative(s).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Issaquah, Washington
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronald Blue View Post
    Who knew marijuana dispensaries were essential?
    I'd rather people took CBD vs opiates, it has certainly proven to be a better choice for me.
    In my years in the construction industry it was commonly agreed we would rather have workers that got high in their leisure time as opposed to drinkers (hungover workers are dangerous)
    Last edited by Bill McNiel; 04-03-2020 at 10:01 PM.

  6. #6
    I understand Lisa. My wife is working 10-12 hours a day and sometimes 6 days a week right now as the admin and office manager of a plastic machine shop. They are busier than ever being 50% military subcontract and 25% medical. They have people spread out and there is plenty of liquid soap and hand sanitizer around. Every effort is being made to keep everyone safe but I still worry since all it takes is one person being less than diligent in their contacts and personal habits. They too are having raw material and hardware supply problems.
    Dave Anderson

    Chester, NH

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Toronto Ontario
    Very true Dave, and you don’t have to be careless, simply asymptomatic.

    That’s what happened where my daughter works as a nurse, one asymptomatic nurse infected half of the department...Regards, Rod

  8. #8
    I repair equipment, lots of stuff has been dropped off at my door with a note on it. Materials/tooling/supplies are a bit harder to find right now, but stuff is getting done.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Deep South
    I am glad to hear that some of the SMC community has work to do. I hope it continues. My prediction is that when this whole thing is over, there will be at least as much suffering caused by the failed economy as there was from the actual disease. The closest thing we have ever seen to what we see now is the great depression starting in 1929. Those who have studied this time period will know what I mean.
    Last edited by Art Mann; 04-04-2020 at 10:16 AM.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Art Mann View Post
    I am glad to hear that some of the SMC community has work to do. I hope it continues. My prediction is that when this whole thing is over, there will be at least as much suffering caused by the failed economy as there was from the actual disease. The closest thing we have ever seen to what we see now is the great depression starting in 1929. Those who have studied this time period will know what I mean.
    I believe we will see a manufacturing shift with even more being done in house (this country). Another lesson in being self sufficient and not relying on other countries for all your goods.

    It will thin out those who only survived because of prosperous times, some people have no business being in business

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Deep South
    I hope you are right about bringing manufacturing back home.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Somewhere in the Land of Lincoln
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill McNiel View Post
    I'd rather people took CBD vs opiates, it has certainly proven to be a better choice for me.
    In my years in the construction industry it was commonly agreed we would rather have workers that got high in their leisure time as opposed to drinkers (hungover workers are dangerous)
    To be clear this is recreational and not medical. To add to that I don't want a high or drunk co-worker. To many ways in this job to die without having people whose actions can't be trusted. To that end either will get you removed from service if you fail a drug test. One get out of jail free card and the second time you won't have a job any longer.
    Last edited by Ronald Blue; 04-04-2020 at 10:53 AM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Our customers are placing orders for triple and quadruple the normal quantities and we are running lots of overtime trying to meet their needs.
    Hopefully the triple and quadruple orders won't turn into a lack of orders when this is over and your customers, "have enough on hand for a while."

    Who knew marijuana dispensaries were essential?
    If liquor stores are essential, then MJ dispensaries are essential. At least most people whether drinking or smoking will have enough sense to stay home.

    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
    - Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Clinton Township, MI, United States
    The trickle down effect of what essential businesses need to stay open reminds me of the "for want of a nail" poem. Like any physics problem, everything is related to everything else. To top it off the whole world is playing 'six degrees of Kevin Bacon" with who was in Wuhan and then who did they come near, and so on.
    So, like Red Green said: we're pulling for you, we're all in this together

    From the workshop under the staircase, Clinton Township, MI
    Semper Audere!

  15. #15
    When the governor of PA said that candy factories are essential, I started looking for Rod Serling. Grocery runs are being made by some 2 and 3 times a day just to get out of the house. Yet when Rode Island stops New Yorkers at the state line and demands to know what essential travel they are on, Governor Cuomo threatens to sue. You can visit Hawaii, if you stay in your hotel room for 14 days before sight seeing.

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