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Thread: Next little project?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio

    Cool Next little project?

    I thought it would be make small boxes, to house a few Block planes of the OEM boxes is looking a little ratty, anyway
    Block Planes, New in Box.JPG
    And, not really wanting to do a fancy one...
    Block Planes, Millers Falls 1455.JPG
    Just simple ones out of pine will do....Oaks and the like don't play nice with cast iron, or steel. Had a stack of Pine scraps to use up, anyway..ripped the wider scraps down a bit, don't need WIDE parts..
    Then, I set up the plywood zero clearance overlay on the tablesaw....Raised the blade all the way up. Set the fence to 1/4" between the blade and fence....and started running about half of the pine scraps pass for a 1/4" thickness, flip get a part at 1/4"...set that aside, repeat...and set a second 1/4" part aside, and a 3/16" leftover. Continue for a while..
    Block Plane Box, wider parts.JPG
    Left some wide...for the lid of the box...also ran a scrap of 1/4" plywood through for width...another stack was narrowed down a bit..
    Block Plane Box, more parts.JPG
    Crosscut a couple end pieces, and 2 sides...
    Block Plane Box, stack of parts.JPG
    Block Plane Box, 5 parts.JPG
    Sides and bottom. When assembled, these are to match that OEM box....this is the inside one. Finger joints for the corners, and then glue the bottom in place...

    Then repeat for the matching that it will slide down over the inner box....then do a label on the end...

    Have about 14 block planes to try to make boxes for....then I can stack them up in the plane til.....where I can read the labels.

    Might keep me busy for a few weeks? Will have to see what finish will work best...
    Stay tuned...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Columbus, Ohio, USA
    14? You are going to make 14 boxes for 14 block planes? That is a lot of block planes. Maybe you need to thin the herd.

    Look forward to seeing how this plays out. That is a lot of finger joints to cut by hand.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    2 hours of shop time, and had to stop....1) knee is bothering me...2) vise is "spoken for" at the moment...
    Block Plane Box, need more clamps.JPG
    Trying to glue up all 5 parts at once...

    At least I could layout parts for tomorrow's shop time..
    Block Plane Box, parts for the lid.JPG
    Stay tuned....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Out of the clamps, this morning....sanded everything down
    Block Plane Box, bottom view, round-over.JPG
    Looked good..until I tried a block plane in the box...
    Block Plane Box, too short.JPG
    Hmm...dug around, until I found one that would fit..
    Block Plane Box, only one that fits.JPG
    Had to set the cap iron aside on the plane, as it stuck up too high
    Block Plane Box, side view,sanded.JPG
    Then stained the box..
    Block Plane Box, stained.JPG
    Then laid out the parts for a lid...#358 mitre saw to cut the parts to length.
    Block Plane Box, lid parts.JPG
    Then hobbled back upstairs....and called it a day....that..Monday thing...
    Stay tuned...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Changed to a wider chisel.....1/4" New Haven Edge Tool Co.

    Block Plane Box, lid chopped.JPG
    Got the 4 corners of the box's cover done...4 sides are sitting in the clamps
    Block Plane Box, lid glued up.JPG
    Will clean this up, when I get home from an MRI on my knee tomorrow...trimmed for height...and add the topper
    Block Plane Box, waiting on the glue.JPG
    And glue that in place. May need batteries for the pencil sharpener, too
    Block Plane Box, new sharpener.JPG
    Getting a bit slow...
    Stay tuned....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Lid is out of the clamps, sanded down. Topper has been sized to fit inside..and glued in place..
    Block Plane Box, topper glued in.JPG
    Test fit?
    Block Plane Box, box fits.JPG
    It do fit! Need to trim for height..once the clamps come back off..
    Block Plane Box, needs trimmed.JPG
    Just about the thickness of that pencil will do...
    Block Plane Box, next box.JPG
    Next block plane to get a box....
    Block Plane Box, Stanley No. 9-.5.JPG
    Had to resaw some more pine, too.
    Block Plane Box, new lumber supply.JPG
    As each block plane gets two boxes made, counting the lid/cover....
    Block Plane Box, resaw, red for danger.JPG
    Resaw machine, red is paint, lets one know where the blade is spinning at.....set for 1/4" width.
    The Knuckle cap seems to be a Stanley No. 9-1/2. It was missing the eccentric adjuster's made a new one..
    Block Plane Box, new pin.JPG
    Stay tuned....may make a "label" for the end of the first box's lid....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Shoreline, CT
    Coat the insides with shellac—a. couple of so of 2 lb coats That will block any fumes from the wood and is fast.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Seems that fall last week did a bit more damage than just a couple bruises.....Elbow has a fracture, possible tear in the shoulder, knee is all messed up...being referred to an Ortho-Doc.....waiting to see what that IS down in a basement....bum knee makes it a bit of a hassle...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Brought the box and lid...
    Block Plane Box, labeled lid.JPG
    Slip the lid almost off...
    Block Plane Box, complete.JPG
    Then all the way..
    Block Plane Box, inside view.JPG
    Will cover this mess..
    Block Plane Box, needs label made.JPG
    With a paper label...that I still need to make.

    One many more to go....
    Block plane is a No. 110 knock-off....has an 1-5/8" (barely) wide cutter. Plane is 6-1/4" long.

    Next one, seems to be a Stanley No. 18-ish, and has a knuckle cap...
    Block Plane Box, new pin.JPG
    Block Plane Box, Stanley No. 9-.5.JPG
    Still researching it....

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Found some labels to least for the first box.

    Going to be a little busy with other things until after next Monday....and will depend on what the "Bone-Doc" wants to do.....

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Will just have to do, for now...
    Block Plane Box, first one done.JPG
    Making room to do the next one..
    Block Plane Box, Next....JPG
    Or two.

    Block Plane Box, thins supply.JPG
    May start in on the supply of thins....that thick board is just 3/4" thick....

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Just how much did I need to trim off the lid?
    Block Plane Box, extra lid.JPG
    About ...that much....
    Block Plane Box, parking spaces.JPG
    I can always leave this box sitting here....until I find a spot in the til for the whole lot of the boxes..

    Depending on what I find out next Monday....May need a way into the shop.....stay tuned ( Funny, I don't feel a year older, today....)

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    I did start on Box #2 today....3 out of 4 corners of the inner box got to the Heart of Ohio Antique Center ( SQUIRREL!) which basically shot the rest of the day.....I spent over 3 hours, walking around, wearing the mask, and using a cane....and spent just over $98....but, I did NOT buy anymore block planes...
    Birthday Rust Hunt, OUCH.JPG
    Though, I was tempted....
    Birthday Rust Hunt, next shelf.JPG
    A bit out of my budget for today....
    Birthday Rust Hunt, too much.JPG

    Will see how I am doing in the morning....kind of sore, right now...

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Inner box of Box #2 is sitting in the clamps...waiting on glue to dry....4 sides, and a plywood bottom. can't see much, for all the clamps...will see how it turned out...tomorrow, I hope.

    Stay tuned..

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Waiting on this knee to settle down a bit....long needle this morning, they drained the stuff out of the right knee....OUCH.
    The other day..I finished chopping the 4th corner's finger joints...then used a few clamps, and some glue..
    Block Plane Box #2, clamp it Jed.JPG
    Clamp it, Jed...I think there is enough clamps in use?
    Block Plane Box #2, enough clamps.JPG
    Might see about removing these, later today?

    Then clean it up, and see about making the lid...stay tuned

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