A camera for your existing desktop makes more sense for me. A laptop, like a smart phone, is a compromise. Retiring from nearly 40 years in I.T. I used a laptop when I had to and a phone when nothing else was available. A phone will suffice for Zoom almost as well as a laptop; both are undersized and awkward without external goodies.

If you just want another computer, a laptop, docking station, keyboard, mouse, display, sound system and camera/microphone will get you there. You probably have most of this hooked up to the desktop you already have. Desktop-replacement scale laptops are a pain to me due to weight and size. Again, they are a compromise that are very handy when you can't get to a more suitable device. There are certainly some kick-butt laptops out there but again, you buy one of those when you have to be in the field. Opinions differ but, when I want compute functions and want to be comfortable, a portable device is not what I yearn for ;-)