Quote Originally Posted by Erich Weidner View Post
This is still my question(s). Lesser quality chisels performing as well as more premium chisels... meaning premium chisels sharpened just on stones (no unicorn buffing)? What happens to a premium chisel with the unicorn buff? Exact same as chepo chisel? Or equally x-fold better than traditionally/stone sharpened?

Stated another way, are cheapo chisels unicorned exactly the same as a PM-V11 chisel unicorned?
Erich, I would venture that the law of diminishing returns applies. That is, the benefits of the unicorn profile is best observed on a cheap or poorer edge-holding blade, with less benefits seen in the premium blade. I posted early on my success in buffing a 20 degree bevel on a set of boxwood Marples. These are wonderfully light in the hand, but held an edge for exactly 1.5 shavings. Post-buffing, the edge was excellent. I was not looking to see exactly how long, but there were very significant gains. I have not attempted to buff Veritas to the unicorn profile (largely because the edge-holding is excellent anyway), but have buffed to hone a dulling edge, and that did leave a superior sharpness.

Regards from Perth
