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Thread: Epoxy fiberglass assistant

  1. #1

    Epoxy fiberglass assistant

    A very long-time friend called me this week to come help him apply fiberglass and epoxy to a canoe he has just finished. There is a backstory. This is his second canoe. The first was built for his son and his bride’s wedding gift fifteen years ago. When he applied the finish, something went wrong. It was unusable. With the wedding just a few days away, there was no time to build another canoe. He GOT THE FIBERGLASS OFF. Somehow he managed to grind-scrape-claw off the first glass job down to bare wood. The second coat was perfect. The bride and groom paddled across a lake in Maine to the bride’s grandfather’s cabin with the bride wearing traditional long white dress and groom in tuxedo. It was beautiful. Everyone marveled at the canoe.

    He and I go way back. He started woodworking with me in my humble basement shop more than forty years ago. We built a lake cabin together which our families shared. His woodworking skill and output far exceed mine. He has built fine antique reproductions, like grandfather clocks, pencil post bed, butler’s tray table, many more. Those are three that I was involved in, but there are lots more. He also ran a 2:47 marathon at 41, his first. He ran 2:49 at 50. He won lots of local 10K races. And he was head of engineering at a big company.

    To say I am intimidated is an understatement. I am terrified. The problem on the first epoxy job was maintaining a wet edge on both sides of the canoe. He was not fast enough (incredible thought) to work both sides of the canoe. My job will be either port or starboard and keeping up. This event will be in 3 weeks and I am in intense training. Wish me luck.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Suggest that you switch sides every 2 or 3 minutes so he can keep your work under his control.

    This will be a good time. Good luck, though you don't need it, you have a good friend which is worth much more.

  3. #3
    Funny thing when we do a joint project, it turns into a competition. He always wins...except once. We were staining the outside of the cabin we had built. He was using a standard 4 inch paint brush. I bought a staining brush that was maybe 5 inches wide and 1 1/2 thick. I was way faster. I’m going to look for the biggest squeegee I can find.

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