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Thread: Snakes in the woodpile

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    N E Arkansas

    Snakes in the woodpile

    Dropped a handfull of cutoff's under the saw extension and disturbed little Mister Ground Rattler, about a foot long, hiding in the pile. He is history for that pile just as soon as I have time to haul it away. Not the first time for the consarn little devils, had them before in the old shop, I guess they like to get in the wood off the ground when it cools. Don't mind the black snakes coming in but them little rascals is too small to see well and when I get too close before I see them my feet can't be still. Will get pictures if I can, snakes, not my dancing feet.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Conway, Arkansas

    I've had several snakes this year. I pulled one out from in front of my car (under the hood) that was over 7 feet long. Luckily it was only a King Snake......
    Thanks & Happy Wood Chips,
    Dennis -
    Get the Benefits of Being an SMC Contributor..!
    ....DEBT is nothing more than yesterday's spending taken from tomorrow's income.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Kutztown PA
    Snakes!?! You guys are lucky. I have a huge woodpile for firewood and turning that I am afraid to touch. I think there is a skunk living under it now. Something chewed through the invisible fence this summer, and my daughter saw a skunk (known as a Bisskatze around here) lurking in the vicinity.


  4. #4
    Bobby you better watch out for mama. I'm seeing some little 12' snakes around the house and they have similar markings to that five footer that I killed this summer. They are probably her little ones.
    Wisdom comes with age, but sometimes age comes alone.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    N E Arkansas

    Lost snakes

    Quote Originally Posted by Don Farr
    Bobby you better watch out for mama. I'm seeing some little 12' snakes around the house and they have similar markings to that five footer that I killed this summer. They are probably her little ones.
    My shop is surrounded by tractor and trailers, street on the front with way too much traffic, and the trucks driving all the way around the shop all day long, for years, so don't know how snakes got there without getting run over.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Eagle River, Alaska
    Quote Originally Posted by Bobby Hatfield
    Dropped a handfull of cutoff's under the saw extension and disturbed little Mister Ground Rattler, about a foot long, hiding in the pile. He is history for that pile just as soon as I have time to haul it away. Not the first time for the consarn little devils, had them before in the old shop, I guess they like to get in the wood off the ground when it cools. Don't mind the black snakes coming in but them little rascals is too small to see well and when I get too close before I see them my feet can't be still. Will get pictures if I can, snakes, not my dancing feet.
    One more good reason to live in Alaska, NO SNAKES!!

    Eagle River Alaska

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    N E Arkansas

    No snakes

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard McComas
    One more good reason to live in Alaska, NO SNAKES!!
    NO SNAKES in Alaska, yeah but, how do you outrun a Grizzly ?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Eagle River, Alaska
    Quote Originally Posted by Bobby Hatfield
    NO SNAKES in Alaska, yeah but, how do you outrun a Grizzly ?
    You just goat stay in shape or be a good shot. I suppose that's why Alaska has a young population. About a half dozen so don't run fast enough each year.

    I've had black bear come up on the deck and look in the window. It's also common to have moose lick the road salt off your vehicles.
    Attached Images Attached Images

    Eagle River Alaska

  9. #9
    Bobby, as the old adage goes........."In Bear Country you always travel in pairs...............then if a Bear comes after don't have to outrun the only have to outrun your Buddy"! I just couldn't resist!

    Cool picture of the Moose Richard................Alaska is LOML & my dream of these days when the kids are raised, we will get there.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Richland, Michigan
    Quote Originally Posted by Richard McComas
    You just goat stay in shape or be a good shot. I suppose that's why Alaska has a young population. About a half dozen so don't run fast enough each year.

    I've had black bear come up on the deck and look in the window. It's also common to have moose lick the road salt off your vehicles.

    Couple of Bear photographers from Malibu didn't outrun a Kodiak last week or so right??? They had a vid camera running too but no video just a recording of the sound.. sounded pretty gruesome in what I read on the wire...

    Article on mauling

    One of the articles anyway... some called the guy an idiot, others praised his work on bears... just depends on your point of view..
    Mike-in-Michigan (Richland that is) <br> "We never lack opportunity, the trouble is many don't recognize an opportunity when they see it, mostly because it usually comes dressed in work clothes...."

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Squaw Valley, CA
    Well the shop's not together yet so I can't tell a shop & snake story, but after 10 years of living up here in the foothills, we finally gets a 'BIG Ole Rattler' just out the FRONT door.

    I'm driving home and SWMBO calls and asks 'how close to home are you?' Just down at the Post Office I answer, what's up. Well she says, there's a big ole rattlesnake out the door and she was hoping I was close enough to get to it. I told her to 'keep her eyes on it' so it doesn't get away before I can get to it.

    Yah right she says, no way am I going out there and keep an eye on it. I get home and she's got a chair at the sliding door with her binnoculars and a flashlight to 'keep an eye on it'.

    After I dispatch the critter (way too close what with all of our animals, and only 5 feet from the door !!) he's only about 3 1/2 to 4 feet long but must be at least two inches thick and 12 rattles with number 13 in progress.

    He was coiled up right along the walkway to the front door, not 6 inches off the side and only 5 feet from the door.

    Actually felt bad about killing him being a nature guy and all that but he found himself a new home and it was WAY to close to ours.

    I sure hope none move into the shop (if I ever get it done).
    SHERWUD in the beautiful sierra foothills East of Fresno, CA

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