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Thread: Did forum style / theme just change? I don't like it at all...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Tokyo, Japan

    Did forum style / theme just change? I don't like it at all...

    So, it seems that the forum style just changed and looks all "Mobile-ified" on desktop now (using Linux / Firefox currently). This just happened in the last few hours it seems.

    This is a terrible experience for desktop users. All kinds of information that was previously neatly displayed is now hidden behind cryptic icons, and/or has vanished completely, such as previews of who posted in a thread or forum recently, whether or not I'm logged in or have new messages in my inbox, etc. etc. etc.

    I also don't see any options to add images, hyperlinks, etc. to my posts.

    And these bubbly text boxes are quite annoying, and threads in general are just displayed in a much more ugly and difficult to read manner...

    I'd like to both:
    1) Recommend reverting to the old theme / UI as standard for Desktop users
    2) If possible, revert these changes on my end via some settings somewhere, provided those settings haven't been stripped away also...

    If this is just a bug, because some developer somewhere didn't add "linux" or "firefox" to some check for Desktop users, and defaulted to mobile, I'd like to report it as a bug.
    Last edited by Luke Dupont; 04-17-2022 at 11:50 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Lewiston, Idaho

    Everything looks the same to me here in Idaho.

    So much to learn, so little time.....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Tokyo, Japan
    I would post a screenshot of what it looks like now, but I can't even find any "upload file/media" button (along with any other options such as buttons to change font styles, etc.)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Tokyo, Japan
    Okay, I figured it out.

    If anyone else has this problem, look at the very bottom of the page and you'll see an hyperlink "Full Site"

    Click that.

    Here's what it looked like for me before I did:

    It's strange that it decided to serve me the limited (mobile?) view all of the sudden though. *shrug*

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