I talked to the code enforcement officer and my insurance agent about the workshop being used to run a business. My deliveries are not more than what a hobby woodworker might get, except for when I have 5 20 cubic foot bags of biodegradable peanuts dropped off. UPS picks up here a few times a month, but they are in town every day making deliveries, so it doesn't add any burden to my neighbors. I would say I have a customer come to the shop/house about once or twice a month on average, so not a lot of traffic. There is no sign, and no externally obvious indication that this is a home business. I keep all my finished stock instruments in the house, so customers are actually mostly in here more than in the shop. My lumber needs are maybe 200-300 board feet a year, and it either comes on a truck or I get it locally and bring it home on a trailer behind the car. My main concern is shop noise, but so far I have not heard about any complaints.