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Thread: YouTube crazies

  1. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by Doug Garson View Post
    I think you have way oversimplified it. Yes there are some who are just offering to educate others without wanting anything in return. But that breaks down into some who really know what they are doing and know how to educate and entertain and have enough skill in videography to make entertaining and educational videos. Then there are those that are trying to make educational and entertaining videos, have the skills and knowledge in woodworking but no clue how to present it in an entertaining and clearly educational way. In every field there are people who are pure geniuses at doing what they do but couldn't teach anyone how to tie their shoelaces.
    Then there are those who have no clue that what they are presenting is wrong and dangerous. Luckily many of them also have no clue how to entertain or produce a professional looking video so they get few views and thus are less dangerous but there are some who are entertaining and make professional looking videos with dangerous content and therefore are dangerous.
    There are also some who are capable of making entertaining and sometimes educational videos and chose to make a living doing so. To me that is no different from someone who choses to make a living as a performer on TV such as an actor, athlete or news correspondent, or an author making their living selling books or magazine articles or even a teacher Yes they often use tricks like clickbait titles but that is more the fault of Youtube which uses algorithms to select what you see.
    Talk about over simplifying. The two main things you didn't even touch on in your post were time and money.
    I'm with Mike on this, you get what you pay for.

    Making any video, even bad ones takes time, a lot of time. it is a skill like anything else. Not everyone has the ability to dedicate that much time and effort into something, "without wanting anything in return" as you put it. For many, the shop space alone is a deal breaker. Not to mention the time and effort simply aren't there to make videos for free. There is little if any incentive.

    For some, it is their job, their source of income, they put out "content" on a regular basis. What happens often, is that they get better at putting out videos, because they're having to devote more of their time to it but not better about providing quality content OF the videos, because the majority of time was taken up editing, trying to make, "entertaining and educational videos" as you put it.

    How many times have you seen some CC say, "I rushed this a little"
    Rushed it?, it's not live TV, no need to rush through things, unless of course you need to post your weekly video.

    When videos I like, I'll subscribe to that persons channel.
    When I see a video, like the guy trying to cut round things on the bandsaw or those posted earlier in this thread, I give them a thumbs down and eliminate them from my search.

    "Yes they often use tricks like clickbait titles but that is more the fault of Youtube which uses algorithms to select what you see"
    YouTube provides only options, I select what I watch.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    New Westminster BC
    Quote Originally Posted by Edward Weber View Post

    YouTube provides only options, I select what I watch.
    Yeah but you can't select options Youtube doesn't show you. What you see when you do a search depends on what the algorithm returns and content providers must tailor their thumbnails and titles to get clicks so their video will show up in more searches.
    Isn't narrowing it down to "you get what you pay for" even more of a simplification?

  3. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by Doug Garson View Post
    Yeah but you can't select options Youtube doesn't show you. What you see when you do a search depends on what the algorithm returns and content providers must tailor their thumbnails and titles to get clicks so their video will show up in more searches.
    Isn't narrowing it down to "you get what you pay for" even more of a simplification?

    Getting what you pay for implies that that you're paying zero and getting zero useful content. Anything above zero is a bonus. As this applies to YT content, a very small percentage falls into the bonus category. In the photo, I click on don't recommend channel and I'll thankfully never have to see any more videos from this guy on my home screen. No apologies or excuses about the content creator or what his/her motivations are.
    If I do a search, I'll have to endure some scrolling through the idiotic videos in search of valuable content. This is where you're paying with your time and sanity, you know this when you log on to the site.

    You can actually go to sites and pay for professional, curated content by experts in their field, without having to scroll and filter through clickbait and idots.
    I don't work for free and I don't expect anyone else to. YT's model of what's popular is the best, is just pure nonsense but it's how the CC's get paid, popularity.

  4. #64
    how do search functions work. I can have a few words and find the exact you tube yet Cabinetmakers in other countries ive found hard to find. I tried to find a guy in Germany I had seen before and cant find him from different searches, dont have his name and he was on the side bar from some other european you tube past. Maybe the Swedish Ladder maker. I saw he had good older machinery so figured he would be worth the time and he was.

    Can we search for you tubes in another country by typing in English or if we want cabinetmakers in Germany do we have to type in German in the search bar. maybe a stupid question but at times super easy to find any exact you tube then cant find this guy or some others i saw. Someone posted an Italian you tube not long ago and that was good as well.

  5. #65
    There are more than a couple of ways.
    You can go to google and do a translation of the word or phrase and copy/paste it into the YT search.
    You can also easily change you default location and/or language in YT.

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