They are very similar, IMHO, but HFT markets the Hercules as "more contractor quality". I will say this, I have a bunch of the Bauer battery operated tools, including a few things I use for construction and in the shop as well as a few of the battery operated landscaping products. I have only ever been disappointed with one...and I returned it. That was the "rotozip" clone that just was not worthy. Otherwise, I'm very happy for my use. Hercules was not available when I started buying, so I've not had any personal experience with the blue tools. I actually just bought a Bauer 20v Hot Glue gun to use at the CNC the other day when I had a nice discount available. The small 20v circular saw and the 20v impact driver were workhorses when I was doing the shop build out. I felt no reason to buy "higher end" brands for those things because the use was initially targeted and now very occasional.