Quote Originally Posted by Maurice Mcmurry View Post
We try to think of alternatives to fast food when traveling and take a cooler. It takes some effort. There is a vending machine at a rest stop somewhere near Erie PA on I-90 that has sardines, tuna, garlic crackers, little cans of processed cheese, Vienna sausages, Fat Freddy hot sausages, pickles, pickled eggs, and some other interesting items. That vendor knows truckers.
My mom always packed lunch for the family when we went on family road trips. We always did vacations via car. I don't recall ever being on a plane as a kid except when my father was transferred to/from California. We sometimes also ate breakfast in our motel room to save money. We would eat out for lunch if the destination didn't allow for your own food. We always ate dinner at a restaurant. Us kids could have pop (soda) at dinner only. We had to have milk, OJ, or water for other meals. We never had pop at home.

My parents sometimes will pack food for a road trip these days, but they are more likely to buy food than when I was a kid. Today, bringing their own food is as much about nutrition as it is saving money.