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Thread: I love stories about clever people

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    The old pueblo in el norte.
    Quote Originally Posted by Prashun Patel View Post
    Urban legend, I suspect. I doubt the brew master was the one responding to the letters.

    Also, how clever can they be if they want to brew Coors-like beer?
    Banquet is actually a decent lager.

    happy in my mud hut

  2. #17
    Join Date
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    Falls Church, VA
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    Sonce we have veered off topic to beer reviews, I submit a story that is not urban legend because I was there. Full disclosure, I don’t drink and never have.

    I was in college at Emporia State University in Emporia Kansas. The year would have been 1975 or 76. I worked as a draftsman in the architects office. Schlitz beer had made some sort of disastrous marketing error and tried to win back customers by sponsoring something called, “The Schlitz Movie Orgy”. They rented a very large multi purpose venue in the student union and invited anyone with a university student ID. No charge. There was some sort of mashup of movies like Reefer Madness and other bits and pieces. There were drawings for all sorts of Schlitz branded stuff. And unlimited beer.

    it was my job the next day to assist with a damage report so Schlitz could make repairs. The wood floor was completely soaked with beer, vomit and other waste products. Two urinals were broken off the wall. Two doors were wrecked. And on and on. Schlitz happily paid the bill. I don’t think it got them many new customers. Everybody still called it “Chicken Schlitz.” I have no idea why the university didn’t shut it all down.

  3. #18
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    Anaheim, California
    Quote Originally Posted by Paul F Franklin View Post
    Back when I was an undergrad in college, Coors beer was not available in the Eastern part of the country, and the guys from the west kept talking about how great it was.
    1972 DU grad here. My take on the whole Coors mystique was always that it wasn't guys from the west talking it up, it was the eastern tourists. They'd drink a can or two on their first day at high altitude and get smashed out of their minds, then go home and tell mythic stories about it. But at the time, it was cheap, a major bonus for poor students.

    (My dad always referred to Coors as being like sex in a canoe, because it was "f***ing near water".)
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  4. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Toronto Ontario
    Quote Originally Posted by Prashun Patel View Post
    Urban legend, I suspect. I doubt the brew master was the one responding to the letters.

    Also, how clever can they be if they want to brew Coors-like beer?

    Top marks Prashun, you made my day……Regards, Rod.

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