thanks Bill, yeah no games there are enough in regular life with humans. I dont think the 4k thing is a big deal if it does not affect you tubes emails or then im fine. Even now I cant use the 4k in the camera as its a different file type. Its the same iwth photos I dont shoot raw as they are Tiffs and I dont have the stuff to open them. All fine enough resolution on the JPEGs. Its easier to find the specs in 14 screens and since I first tried 15.6 think ill start with that. I was surprised are all 27 at the desk and thats what im used to thought the smaller would bug me. I cant see squat on cell phones. The 15.6 was fine even good so that was answered.

Docking thing makes sense but im wanting to be mobile around the place with a lap top so really very first I want a Logitech anywhere 3 mouse. They are small and have a forward and back button im very used to. The mouse set up on lap tops stinks and wastes time. Im used to the old style keyboards as well mechanical noisey with long travel. had the old white microsoft ones and no on red dragons and they are close.