Quote Originally Posted by Larry Edgerton View Post
This always has been, but it accelerated sharply during Covid and shows no sign of slowing down. People from the city that belong in the city. They are entitled, rude and generally pigs and do not understand anything about nature. They are still their city selves, not even seeing what is there, and annoying anyone who are quiet and respectful of others. I live in the middle of a 280k acre state forest, and it has changed. I doubt it goes back. These people do not belong in the forest.

Don't even get me started on the side by sides...........
I was born and raised in a city and have resided in cities all my life. I have enjoyed time outside cities including wilderness canoe and kayak camping trips, back country hikes etc. I strongly disagree with your rude generalization of people from the city. @holes come from everywhere not just cities.