Quote Originally Posted by Alan Rutherford View Post
We played a version called "Chicken" where 2 guys start with legs spread apart. You throw the knife between the other guy's feet and he moves a foot up to where the knife stuck. If he moves before the knife sticks he loses. If you actually hit his foot, you lose.

I also remember putting my hand on a desk with fingers spread and stabbing the desk between each finger. After a few iterations your fingers start to look inanimate and the knife is really flying. This was in Baltimore a long time ago. The knives were often switchblades. I don't remember anyone getting hurt - at least not enough to remember. I don't advocate allowing this in schools. We weren't allowed to do it if we got caught but I think we were smarter for the experience. And much better off than if we had been expelled for having pocket knives.

None of that today.
We played a version of that game called "Stretch" - where two faced off and a knife was flipped into the ground at the opponents feet. You had to move your foot to the spot where the knife stuck in the ground. You continued back and forth until one or the other had to stretch so far they fell down.

Unlike your school though, the game was played in the open at recess with the school knowing all about it.
It became a fad, and at recess there would be three hundred kids, ranging from 1st to 5th grade, tossing knives at each other.

It was fun.
It was also the 1950s.

I'm so glad I grew up in this country (and world) when it was still sane. I really don't like the world as it has become. I'm glad I'm old and going to die soon. Things like a knife with no blade don't make sense to me.