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Thread: Woodworker West magazine

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Los Angeles

    Woodworker West magazine

    Was anyone else here a reader of Woodworker West magazine?
    The final issue was published at the end of 2023.

    The magazine came out six times a year, and was packed with reports from shows, conventions and local galleries, along with photos (good quality, printed on glossy paper) of what people are making.
    The coverage area had expanded quite far eastwards in recent years.

    They profiled a woodworker of high achievement in each issue, and had a long running Q and A with David Marks, an always interesting editorial by Ron, and fantastic information on upcoming shows and exhibitions.

    I know Ron and Pam Goldman, the husband and wife publishing team. They are delightful company and they always make time for a chat whenever I might see them at a show.
    I can understand their decision to call it a day, it must have been hugely stressful to put our a quality publication for so long.

    Pam is an award winning woodworker herself and will keep busy in her own shop, but I can tell you I miss their magazine!

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  2. #2
    I have a couple of issues but did not subscribe. There are few (if any) good print magazines left IMO

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