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Thread: Miller Falls 17B Block Plane Help

  1. #1

    Miller Falls 17B Block Plane Help

    Looking for some assistance from Miller Falls folks.

    I bought a lot of 6 block planes off my usual auction site. The planes were listed as a Stanley 130 and 5 unmarked planes. I was after a low angle Sargent/Craftsman knuckle joint plane that looked in decent shape, and figured to sell the Stanley to recover some cost. Any others with adjustable mouths planes that could be cleaned up would be icing on the cake.

    The only other plane of the six in decent shape is a Miller Falls 17B.IMG_0569.jpg

    Looking on the web, I found that MF17s were Stanley 15 clones. I found only one note on MF 17B, a 10 year old TTT article that referred a 2005 auction sale. The article also noted that no MF catalogues listed a 17B to his knowledge.

    The MF 17B is the front plane, notice the blade adjustment. The blade adjustment on the regular MF17 is like the adjuster one the Stanley 9 1/2, rear plane.

    After all that blather, here is my question, Has any more info come to light since the 2016 TTT article, or is this thing a unicorn?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    Pittsburgh, PA
    When I was researching MF tools I run across references of extra letters after the model number. They meant some special run, there was a mention of these models being produced for a government contract in some cases. I've lost interest in the subject, whenever I land a tool, as long as it is in good shape and works, I don't really care for other details.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Dayton Ohio
    Found some information on the 17 but not the 17B.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    The "G" was for Government Contracts (WW2)..The "B" merely meant an Improvement was made..of some sort..either an upgrade, or to make a tool easier to Make.

    Like: a No. 9BGC model....which would be a 2nd generation Corrugated Sole plane Made for the US Government.

    Unless there are 2 "BB"s..then it was made for Sears...
    A Planer? I'm the Planer, and this is what I use

  5. #5
    Thanks for all your input. I finally found a little more info. apparently the 17B was made in small quantities in 1964 right at the end of the regular 17


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