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Thread: Plain brown envelope

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Myrtle Creek Oregon

    Plain brown envelope

    got home from work yesterday and picked up the mail and hmmmm a "plain brown envelope".....haven't got one of "those" in a while I looked at the return address and behold! John Hart strikes again!!! But, really, it wasn't John. Let me back up about a week.

    John had sent me a message saying he was on a "gift commitee" (whatever that means) and he needed my address. At first I was a bit startled. Especially in this day of stolen identitys. He then went on to say that someone wanted to send me a gift and he was the go-between. If it had been anyone else I might have hesitated, but since it was John Hart I felt pretty safe. But I did warn him that if it was a scam I was mailing all my "funnels" and "lamp shades" straight to him!!!

    Anyway, back to the "plain brown envelope" (you younger guys may not think much of it but it used to be when you recieved certain "special" things in the mail, it come in a "pbe"), I came into the house dropped the rest for wify to deal with when she got home and opened it up. Inside was a VERY nice letter from Stu Ablett saying how much he enjoyed this forum and that he wanted to share with others in our group. Also in the envelope were three pieces of wood from Japan. Each 1X1X5 (approx, although it was probably metric ) and from three differant trees. WOW, I was THRILLED!!! Hey, even my son was impressed and he's usually impressed with just movies and computers!

    So, guess who moved to first place on my list??? You guessed it, Stu Ablett. Thanks Stu, I'm going to love spinning these!!

  2. Well Pat, I'm sure glad you like the blanks, I really hope the turn out great (I know, not very punny).

    I tired hard to pick the blanks with the best figure in them, so I hope they do you pens justice.

    Hey, this has been a lot of fun, they are right it is the giving that is important!

    Again, a big thanks to John Hart for doing a lot of the leg work for me.


  3. #3
    Not to worry Pat....I only gave your address to one person....A really nice guy who sent me an email warning me that my Paypal account needed an emergency update.
    "There's nothing wrong with Quiet" ` Jeremiah Johnson

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