Brian, that chair is fantastic. I marvel at your skill to make them and, like Jim, can understand why you enjoy making them. You are certainly a talented craftsman. Your choice of different woods, mahogany and walnut backslats, is interesting. I've noticed that a lot on projects and like the contrast it creates in a pice very much. The grain of your mahogany is esopecially beautiful. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work in the future.

As for completed projects being posted, I have noticed a lull as well. Perhaps, as the weather warms up (it's hard to believe some of the harsh weather even recently in some parts of the country) more of us will get more "shop time" and complete those projects we're working on. For me, my :day job" is an additional factor along with showing my dogs many weekends. I'm looking forward to my summer break from teaching so I can start using all the tools I've accumulated this year.