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Thread: Am I In Over My Head.......?

  1. Am I In Over My Head.......?

    This one actually started out as a bowl, the blank was about 10" tall by 12" in diameter, but it had some LARGE cracks along the bark inclusions, so I had to turn it down.

    Sorry no before pics, I really was not expecting much but a big pile of curlies from this one..

    Some cool bark inclusions in this one....

    Some good grain pattern.

    even a knot....

    More bark inclusions

    Yep, a nice BIG mess
    Last edited by Andy Hoyt; 04-27-2007 at 10:34 PM. Reason: Shameless (yet creative) promotion of another forum is bad form

  2. .............

    I had to go and work at the L shop, so I bagged it for later tonight......

    I'll see how this one goes, I have to fire up the hollowing rig later tonight, and give it a go, or I might wait until I get me a laser.....

    Well wish me luck, never done a HF with a bark inclusion.........wait a minute......... this is only the second HF I've done, (exploding attempts don't count )

    I know the shape needs a little refining yet, I've still got some work to do on it.


    Edit..... I know that form needs a little more refining, I'll work on that too.....
    Last edited by Andy Hoyt; 04-27-2007 at 10:37 PM. Reason: Shameless (yet creative) promotion of another forum is bad form

  3. #3
    Man you got guts...but who didn't know that. Can't wait to see how it turns out...
    Glenn Clabo

  4. Thanks...... well, I certainly have a big gut.......

    Oh well, I have about 100 round, but not roughed out blanks sitting on the shelf, so if this one goes POW......Oh well......

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Goodland, Kansas
    Stu that is going to be interesting piece when finished. Take you time and keep the speed down a little. Can't wait to see it done.

    Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow.

    To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funnybone.

  6. #6
    Stu, why don't you wrap the outside of it with tape and maybe that will help hold it together. It looks like it's going to be great. I can't wait to see what you do with it. You got the stuff man! Go for it!!
    Success is the sum of Failure and Learning

  7. Quote Originally Posted by Christopher K. Hartley View Post
    Stu, why don't you wrap the outside of it with tape and maybe that will help hold it together. It looks like it's going to be great. I can't wait to see what you do with it. You got the stuff man! Go for it!!
    That is a great idea, I have some of that "Flat Twine" stuff, like Saran Wrap but thicker, I'll give that a try.....

    I even have a piece of quince I might use as a collar.


  8. #8
    That's a great start on what should become a beautiful HF!
    Can't wait to see the finished product.

  9. Well, I got some more time in on it tonight, not enough to get near done but .......

    While refining my form, I got some NASTY tear out Try as I might, I could NOT get rid of all of it, upped the speed, the tools were sharp, and I did the best I could but....

    Then I picked up my Eli Avisera bowl finishing tool, boy did it work great!!

    Now I know my skills are still lacking with the bowl gouge, but man, did this tool save my bacon!

    Next I wrapped it up good with that saran warp kind of stuff, flat twine, I think they call it, and kept at it.

    I got about 80% of it hollowed out, and this cut so much cleaner than that other one I tried, I'm sure happy with it, but I could not really judge where the outside was from the inside, so I stopped before I had a blow out.

    I'll be buying a laser pointer and rigging it to my D-handle soon.

    Another shot, different lighting to show the inside, well to TRY to show the inside.....

    Last edited by Andy Hoyt; 04-27-2007 at 10:41 PM. Reason: Shameless (yet creative) promotion of another forum is bad form

  10. ...............

    I'm not going to get it done today, or even tomorrow, hopefully on Sunday, so I stuffed it back up with wet shavings, and..........

    Bagged it once more, hope it holds up

    Last edited by Andy Hoyt; 04-27-2007 at 10:43 PM. Reason: Shameless (yet creative) promotion of another forum is bad form

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    SE PA - Central Bucks County
    Stu...the ONLY way to truly learn anything in turning is to do it. Carry on!

    The most expensive tool is the one you buy "cheaply" and often...

  12. Well it looks like I got about 98% of the hollowing done today, ran out of time, I'll finish it tomorrow.

    I'm not sure what I'll finish it with, I guess you have to finish the inside too eh

    I really don't want to change the color, so maybe just some blond shellac or something?

    I got my laser today

    Here is the set. I went for this unit, as it was a straight cylinder, the others in the price range were not, also the body is aluminum, not plastic. It also takes the standard AAA batteries, no the half length AAAA batteries the other seem to all take. I bought two sets of rechargeable batteries and the charges, all for about $50 US, but I had a points card at this electronics store, so I paid nothing for them, zip, zero, nada

    here you can see the laser dot, I was surprised it was not round....?

    Attachment 63471
    Here is my rig, kind of thrown together, it works, but I see the faults in my design. The aluminum tube on top is too bouncy, too flexible, it makes the laser dot wiggle all over the place, and the whole wooden block thing, while it works, I could be better. Next time I go shopping at my DIY place, I'll buys some thick chunks of aluminum, and some steel tubes, and make a better set up, but it does work!!

    Attachment 63472
    Here the laser is somewhat short, this means I'm still mostly on the HF, and the thickness is about 8mm or so (I set the gap between the edge of the laser dot and the cutter at about 5mm)

    Attachment 63473
    Here the laser is mostly off the HF, the Saran Wrap stuff is there too, so that adds to the thickness.
    As it turns out, I was able to do almost all of the hollowing with the two tools I have, but one between the straight boring rod and the 45 cutter would have been a lot easier, so I'll l have to make one!

    Going to unwrap it tomorrow, and then let it dry for a week or two, I sure hope it does not crack on me.............. any advice on what to do? It was moist, but not dripping wet.

    Last edited by Andy Hoyt; 04-28-2007 at 9:55 AM. Reason: Shameless (yet creative) promotion of another forum is bad form

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Benton Falls, Maine
    Stu - No more photos with links to your forum. Ever.

    Andy Hoyt

  14. Quote Originally Posted by Andy Hoyt View Post
    Stu - No more photos with links to your forum. Ever.

    Andy Hoyt
    First, it is not "My Forum" it is owned and run by the members, for the members, I'm a member there, like, I'm a member here, and at two other woodworking forums, that I fear to mention.

    Sorry Andy, those sticker were on there from a photo shoot that I did for a Japanese DIY mag, they have been on there for a few months.

    Until you pointed it out and censored my pics, I did not even notice it.

    Your sandbox, your rules, sorry.

    Last edited by Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan; 04-28-2007 at 11:31 AM.

  15. Wow, you actually went and photo-shopped my pics,

    Man , I did not mean to cause you any trouble like that, sorry for that Andy, sincerely.

    Well, I guess I'll not be posting "On the Lathe" pics anymore.

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